Entry Level LMIS Officer Job Opportunities – Ministry of Health

Entry Level LMIS Officer Job Opportunities – Ministry of Health

Job Title:         LMIS Officer (Entry Level Jobs)

Organization: Ministry of Health

Duty Station:  Kampala, Uganda

About US:

The government of Uganda in partnership the Global Fund, PMI/ USAID, Against Malaria Foundation (AMF) and other implementing partners plans to conduct its third Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets Mass Campaign for Universal Coverage (LLINs UCC) in 2020. Approximately 27m Mosquito nets will be distributed country wide. The Campaign is human resource intensive and therefore require additional support to the already existing staff to avoid compromising other routine program activities.

Key Duties and Responsibilities:  

  • Generation of data for tracking of logistics including LLINs from National to sub-national level
  • Generation of data from the U-report and other form of supply chain surveillances
  • Analyse all the data entered into the CMIS electronic database and provide ongoing reports. Support all teams with approved data requirements
  • Preparation of the wave-specific mass campaign reports
  • Work with management to prioritize business and information needs.
  • Coordination of the different sub-committees and officers to ensure that planned outputs and activities are carried out.
  • Provide overall system administration of the CMIS electronic database.

Qualifications, Skills and Experience:

  • The applicant must hold a University degree level in Mathematics, Economics, Computer Science, Information Management or Statistics or other relevant fields.
  • Two years’ experience regarding data models, database design development, data mining and segmentation techniques
  • Fluency in English.
  • Experience in planning for field coordination in LLINs campaign is an added advantage
  • Proven working experience as a system administrator.
  • Knowledge of data analysis.
  • Strong knowledge of and experience with reporting packages (Business Objects etc), databases (SQL etc), programming (XML, JavaScript etc.)
  • Knowledge of statistics and experience using statistical packages for analyzing datasets (Excel, SPSS, SAS etc)
  • Strong analytical skills with the ability to collect, organize, analyze, and disseminate significant amounts of information with attention to detail and accuracy
  • Adept at queries, report writing and presenting findings
  • Experience in planning for field coordination in LLINs campaign is an added advantage

How to Apply:

All candidates should send their applications addressed to the “Permanent Secretary Ministry of health P.O Box 7272, Kampala” and submitted to the Security Registry Room A 002. Application should be accompanied by CV, copies of Academic documents, copy of the NIN number and previous appointment letters.

Deadline: 6th March 2020

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