ESAMI Uganda Business School TRAPCA PGD WTO Law Core Courses

ESAMI Uganda Business School TRAPCA PGD WTO Law Core Courses

The Post-Graduate Diploma in WTO Law and Dispute Settlement consists of three core courses, three elective courses and a research paper according to the following:

1) Three core courses:

  • TRP 301: International Trade Policy and Development:
    Through this course participants will gain an understanding of the possible impact of trade, industry and investment policies on development and poverty. Such an understanding will rest on an appreciation of the theoretical foundations of international trade introduced in the course.
  • TRP 302: International Trade Law and Development:
    This course will analyse the historical evolution of the regulatory framework of world trading. It will deal with the principles of international trade in goods, trade in services, intellectual property and trade related investments measures across bilateral, regional and multilateral trade arrangements.
  • TRP 305: Trade Remedies and Dispute Settlement
    This course will cover the main trade remedies in order to bring out the circumstances when each of the remedies is appropriate, the economic considerations for the utilization of the remedies and the procedural and substantive regulatory frameworks for the application of each trade remedy. The opportunities and challenges for LDCs in the utilization of the regulatory framework on trade remedies will also be discussed. In addition, this course will cover the system for the settlement of trade disputes at the WTO level and within the regional trading arrangements.


2) Three elective courses, chosen from the following:

  • TRP 304: International Negotiations and Cooperation for Trade:
    The objective of the course will be to familiarize the participants with both bilateral and multilateral trade negotiations. In this context, the importance of cooperation will be underlined – a negotiation seldom has one winner and one looser. All participants will be expected to take an active part in actual negotiating simulations. They will also have to construct a scenario of their own and use wit and imagination in order to try to come to terms.
  • TRP 306: Trade & Climate Change:
    This course will look at the ever-increasing legal and policy issues surrounding the linkages between trade and climate change issues. The course focuses on international and national institutions as well as legal and policy processes relating to the governance of trade as they increasingly relate to climate change.
  • TRP 307: Trade and Intellectual Property Rights:
    This course aims at examining the theory and basis for protecting intellectual property rights. It also aims at building the theoretical and practical relationships between intellectual property issues and the development priorities of LDCs. The course will cover theory and basis for protection of intellectual property rights; historical evolution of the international regimes for the protection of intellectual property; intellectual property and development in the LDCs; institutional roles for WIPO and WTO; intellectual property agreements; the Agreement on Trade-related aspects of Intellectual Property rights (TRIPs)
  • TRP 314: Drafting and Interpretation of Trade Agreements:
    This module will build the participants’ capacity for drafting and interpretation of trade treaties and other agreements such as the EPAs and routine trade related Administrative/ Executive Treaties.

3) A research paper (equivalent to one module):

  • TRP 400: Research Paper:
    Participants will be required to come up with a 20-paged typed research paper on topics relating to WTO Law and WTO Dispute Settlement Systems. This will enhance the research capability of participants on WTO Law issues and the Dispute Settlement System issues.

ESAMI Uganda Business School TRAPCA PGD WTO Law Core Courses

ESAMI Uganda Business School TRAPCA PGD WTO Law Course Entry Requirements

ESAMI Uganda Business School TRAPCA Postgraduate Diploma WTO Law Course Details

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