European Union Call for Proposals on Migration

European Union Call for Proposals on Migration

EC Call for Proposals on Migration.

In order to ensure cooperation with the third countries in the area of migration and asylum, the European Commission (EC) has launched a Call for Proposals from NGOs and other entities from different parts of the world to apply for a grant under the “Thematic Programme of Cooperation with Third Countries in the Areas of Migration and Asylum.”


The initial process of apply for the fund will require submission of concept notes only after which complete proposals will be requested by the EC from shortlisted organizations. However, all applicants need to get registered at PADOR. “The general objective of the thematic programme is to help third countries better manage all aspects of migratory flows in all their dimensions.

The geographical focus, though not limited, under this Call for Proposals has been:




  • the southern migration route (South-North migration), including flows originating from or transiting through the sub-Saharan African countries and North Africa;
  • the eastern migration route (East-West migration): including flows originating from or transiting through the Russian Federation, Eastern Europe, the southern Caucasus and Central Asia;
  • migratory flows using routes other than the above, i.e. those coming from the Middle East, east and south Asia and the Pacific region, Latin America and the Caribbean. Application Deadline: 13th November.
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