Executive Secretary argues youths to embrace vocational education for job creation

Executive Secretary argues youths to embrace vocational education for job creation

While addressing the youths at the Youths Advocacy forum (YAFU) annual conference on the 28th October 2016 at Uganda Museum in Kampala, Oyesigye Onesmus in his presentation on youths and Skills development called upon the youths to embrace vocational programmes as the surest way to create job for individual and national economic development. He encouraged the youths to be aware of the degree syndrome where there is no consideration of the skills desired in the labour market versus the jobs trends.He told the youths that he is a product of vocational education with a Diploma and later pursued a degree and MBA and now he is a Certified Public Accountant.

Oyesigye further encouraged the youths to appreciate the entrepreneurship skills and other soft skills that will make them competitive in the labour market. In line with the Government Development agenda on skills development, Oyesigye informed the youths on the Government priorities for skills development including vocational education and science and technology as a response to solving the high unemployment rate in the country.

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