External Security Organisation Vacancies 2024-2025

External Security Organisation Vacancies 2024-2025

The EISF Secretariat works in collaboration with its Members to produce original research, arrange biannual forum meetings and regular workshops and facilitate information sharing between members and the wider NGO community. EISF also acts as a resource for others interested in security risk management in the humanitarian sector; therefore if you think there are opportunities for collaboration or if we might be able to assist you or your organisation, please contact us.

The strategic objectives of EISF are to:

  1. Act as peer to peer support network to facilitate and encourage information sharing and networking
  2. Be a global centre of excellence on humanitarian security risk management
  3. Be the voice for SRM practitioners within the aid sector and more broadly
  4. Build security risk management capacity across the global international aid sector

EISF began in 2006 as an initiative of security managers from several European NGOs, creating an informal alliance for information-sharing. The independent EISF network was formalised with the appointment of a part-time Coordinator in early 2008, based in Save the Children UK. The Secretariat has since grown to seven staff members and is currently hosted by one of our Member organisations, Christian Aid. The strategic direction of EISF is overseen on behalf of the Members by a Steering Group of up to nine representatives.

How EISF works

EISF is an independent network of Security Focal Points, with 107 Members (as of November 2019). It is governed by a Steering Group of up to nine representatives of Member organisations. The Secretariat has seven staff: the Executive Director, Deputy Director, Projects and Membership Officer, Operations Support Coordinator, Research Advisor, Communications Officer and Administrator.

The delivery of the EISF aim is facilitated by the Secretariat but EISF Members (full and associate) recognise that the success of EISF is dependent on the willingness of its Members to co-operate with one another on security risk management. Members are encouraged to participate on EISF_Chat, share information, attend workshops and the bi-annual Forums, participate in EISF research and respond to questions surrounding best practice in humanitarian security and risk management.

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