Fellowships to Promote Mental Health Journalism

Fellowships to Promote Mental Health Journalism.

Fellowships to Promote Mental Health Journalism: Applications are invited for fellowships to promote mental health journalism.

Mental health and illness are issues that remain largely misunderstood by the public.

Journalists can play an important role in promoting better understanding and reducing stigma and discrimination. International applicants especially from developing countries are eligible to apply.

The Rosalynn Carter Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism include stipends of up to US$10,000, and additionally cover all travel, research, and related expenses.

Fellows are responsible for developing projects that are original, ambitious, and aim to increase the accuracy and quality of mental health journalism.

Fellowship Application Eligibility Criteria

Eligible applicants for a fellowship must:


  • Have at least three years of experience in print or electronic journalism (writing, reporting, editing, producing, filmmaking)
  • Complete the electronic profile of personal and professional information. This profile may be sumbitted electronically to ccmhp [at] emory.edu or printed and included in the application packet
  • Submit a complete application packet, including how the applicant learned about the fellowships
  • Attend orientation and presentation meetings in September, at the beginning and end of the fellowship year.The application process is rigorous, and all applications must be received by mail.


    The application deadline is April.

    For further details, and application materials, contact: Fellowships to promote mental health journalism

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