Feminist Review Trust Fund Grants for Women Projects Worldwide
The Feminist Review Trust is seeking applications from eligible entities for its program that gives grants to projects in the UK and internationally that support women.
These grants represent the diversity of women’s lives globally and support the creativity which with women fight the inequalities they face.
Set up in 2001, the Trust was funded by Feminist Review.
Run as a collective since its inception in 1979, the voluntary work of Feminist Review’s editorial teams over the years has provided the means for the Trust to share the success of the journal with groups of women throughout the world similarly working for change.
Focus Areas
- Lesbian and transgender rights
- Violence against women and girls
- Disabled women and girls
- Refugee women and girlsFunding Information
The maximum value of any individual award is UK £15,000 (or its equivalent).
- The Feminist Review Trust will only accept one application from the individual or organisation per round.
- The Feminist Review Trust will fund:
- Hard to fund projects
- Pump priming activities
- Interventionist projects
- Training and development projects
- One off events
- Dissemination
- Core funding
- Other projectsIneligibility
The Feminist Review Trust will not fund the following types of applications:
- Applications from students to support them on courses of any kind. This includes sub-degree, Bachelors, Masters and Doctorates. Nor they will fund doctoral fieldwork. Very, very exceptionally they might contribute up to £500 to assist a student from a poor country.
- Applications from academics to fund work which could be funded by more traditional sources of funding. This means that they are very unlikely to fund summer projects for US academics.
- Where the trust does fund academics they will not fund overheads, teaching buy-outs or equivalent.
- Applications to continue doctoral studies. Post-docs can be funded from more conventional sources.
- Applications from religious groups.
- Applications from UK organisations for core funding that has been lost or reduced due to statutory bodies’ spending cuts.How to Apply
Interested applicants must download the application form and send it via email at the address given on the website.
- Applications are accepted all year round.
For more information and application details, see; Feminist Review Trust Fund Grants for Women Projects