Fully Funded Distance Learning Scholarships
Fully Funded Distance Learning Scholarships available for scholars in East and Southern African Commonwealth countries to study the MSc in Education for Sustainability at London South Bank University.
Distance Learning Scholarships – What does the scholarship cover?
All course fees, tuition, assessment, study guides and readers travel costs and accommodation.
Distance Learning Scholarships – Scholarship Application Eligibility Criteria
- Are you an African Commonwealth citizen working in Botswana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda or Zambia?
- Do you have a first degree?
- Do you have the written English skills for a Mastersprogramme?
- Are you involved in the field of education in the broadest terms? e.g. advocacy/ communication / training / teaching / marketing etc?
- Are you in a leadership position or one with leadership potential?
- Are you committed to making a difference within your workplace and within your country?
- Do you understand the requirements and challenges of a distance learning course?
- Do you have regular, reliable and easy access to a computer with email and internet facilities?
- Will you be able to attend the Introductory Residential Week in Nairobi?
- Do you have the support of your employer?
- Do you have the support of your family?
NB: You cannot be enrolled on another post graduate course during the time of the scholarship.
If accepted you must commit to:
- Setting aside regular time for studying (approx. 15-20 hours per week).
- Completing and handing in 4 pieces of coursework per year in time for course deadlines.
- Contributing to web discussions and activities.
- Attending and contributing to an annual week’s residential in October for 3 years of the course.
For more information and scholarship application see; Fully Funded Distance Learning Scholarships
List of International Scholarships