Funded Leadership Training on Global Trade

Funded Leadership Training on Global Trade

Funded Leadership Training on Global Trade: The International Leadership Training (ILT) “Global Trade” is designed for highly skilled young professionals in customs authorities, Ministries of Finance and/or Trade and other relevant authorities from South African Development Community (SADC), East African Community (EAC) and The Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) member states.

The objective of the course is to increase their professional know-how and practical expertise.

Customs administrations throughout the world are currently experiencing dramatic technological, economic and legal changes which require new approaches to be taken within the customs administrations.

Traditional functions of customs administrations are highly challenged by a rapid liberalisation and globalisation of trade.

Customs administrations therefore need to prepare for the new tasks they have to fulfil.

Course participants will therefore be trained in standard procedures as well as new tasks relating to customs (in particular, trade facilitation, elaboration of trade statistics, supervision of trade agreements, compliance with security measures, protection of intellectual property rights etc.).

Thereby, participants will be educated as future management staff in those areas of customs, which are becoming particularly relevant in the new customs environment.

The course also includes training by customs professionals and experts, in particular from the World Customs Organization (WCO), the European Union (EU) and the Federal Ministry of Finance, Germany. At the end of the course successful participants will hold a Master of Customs Administration.

Applications from female candidates are particularly welcome.


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) bears the costs related to the assessment workshop (international travel costs, food and accommodation) and German language course in Africa.

It does not cover the costs for travelling within the home country. v It will grant the selected and invited participants a scholarship for the 12 months of the training in Germany.

This scholarship covers course fees and materials, food and accommodation, a per diem allowance and course-related travel expenses.

Travel expenses to and from Germany are supposed to be met by the sending organisations as a contribution towards the advanced training. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

For more information and scholarship applications, visit: Funded Leadership Training on Global Trade

List of International Scholarships