Funded Leadership Training in Sustainability Management

Funded Leadership Training in Sustainability Management

Funded Leadership Training in Sustainability Management: The International Leadership Training (ILT) Sustainability Management provides training for management staff in enterprises and institutions, in order to initiate and manage a change process for sustainable development within their work environment.

The participants spend one year in Germany, preceded by a six months language and management training in their respective home countries.

The training will provide you with the skills to define and implement a transfer project in your institution with the support of your employer. This is considered to be the main outcome of the training.

The training in Germany consists of cross-cutting courses in management for sustainability provided by leading institutions and an intensive insight into your personal sector of expertise.

The core element will be a four months internship with a German institution in your field of expertise.

Who is eligible for programme participation?


  • Young professionals in the fields of Business Development, Business Association Management, Innovation Management & Technology Cooperation, Statistics and Vocational Training
  • Candidates working in close relationship with the GIZ regional offices
  • Key experts or executives
  • Applicants with strong commitment from the sending partner institutions (including guarantee of reintegration upon return).What requirements must be fulfilled?
  • Readiness to learn German in a short period of time
  • Successfully pass the assessment
  • University degree
  • At least 3 years of professional experience
  • Good health
  • Applications from women particularly encouraged.Which type of certificate will you receive?

    You will receive a certificate issued by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Credit points can be obtained from our partner training institutions in Germany for some of the modules.

    How is the Fellowship funded?

    The costs of the Fellowship programme in Germany, lodging and daily allowance are provided by the German Federal Government.

    The cost of the round-trip airfare must be covered by the participant’s employer.

    How to apply for the scholarship

    You will get the necessary application forms on request from the responsible project manager Sandra FlickeLötzsch.

    For scholarship application: Funded Leadership Training in Sustainability Management

List of International Scholarships