Funded Study Visits in Germany for Foreign Students

Funded Study Visits in Germany for Foreign Students

Funded Study Visits in Germany for Foreign Students: The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) funds Study Visits/Study Seminars and Practicals in Germany by groups of foreign students headed by a university teacher.

Objectives of the Funding:

The programme aims to:


  • provide students with subject-related knowledge by arranging appropriate visits, tours and information meetings (Study Visits) or by organising subject-related seminars and practical courses (e.g. specialist courses, block seminars, workshops) at the invitation of a German university. The university is also responsible for organising practical courses with universities, companies and, possibly, public institutions (Study Seminars and Practicals)
  • facilitate meetings with German students, academics and researchers to establish and maintain contacts between German and foreign universities
  • give students a greater understanding of and insight (regional and area studies) into economic, political and cultural life in Germany. The part must not make up more than one third of the funding term.


    Study visits, study seminars or practicals should last no less than 7 days. Funding is available for a maximum of 12 days (including travel days), although the visits themselves may last longer.


    The DAAD takes out health, accident and public/private liability insurance for each funded group. Further details can be found in the Award Letter.

    For more scholarship information and application: Funded Study Visits in Germany for Foreign Students

List of International Scholarships