Funded Training in Environment, Energy and Water Sectors

Funded Training in Environment, Energy and Water Sectors

Funded Training in Environment, Energy and Water Sectors: On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), InWEnt Capacity Building International organizes the advanced training programme“Managing Development in the Environment, Energy and Water sectors” within specific regions.

The programme addresses young professionals and junior executives in companies and institutions from developing countries and countries undergoing transformation.

The twelve-month International Leadership Training (ILT) orientates to the professional experience of the participants and is combined with professional expertise and practical relationship to German companies and institutions:

The training phase in Germany is dedicated to the consolidation of the participants’


  • technical know-how
  • management skills
  • and capacity to implement change.What is ILT?

    The International Leadership Training (ILT) run by InWEnt, is an innovative, pratice-oriented instrument for human resource development, implemented in close collaboration with our partner organisations.

    They are designed for participants with an academic background and at least two years of professional experience in the relevant sector.

    The programme includes german language courses up to level B2 to allow participants them to master the complex requirements of their practice-oriented training in Germany.

    The core of the International Leadership Training (ILT) activity in Germany is a four-month internship within a sector- related organisation, where newly gained knowledge can be applied and new professional contacts can be exchanged.

    Ongoing dialogues with professional institutions and companies of the relevant sector are a crucial part of the training.

    InWEnt currently offers International Leadership Trainings in 20 sectors and different regions, one of them being the International Leadership Training (ILT) “Managing Development in the Environment, Energy and Water Sectors.”

    International Leadership Training Scholarship

    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) bears the costs related to the assessment workshop (international travel costs, food and accommodation) and German language course in Africa.

    It does not cover the costs for travelling within the home country.

    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) will grant the selected and invited participants a scholarship for the 12 months of the training in Germany.

    This scholarship covers course fees and materials, food and accommodation, a per diem allowance and course-related travel expenses.

    Travel expenses to and from Germany are supposed to be met by the sending organisations as a contribution towards the advanced training.

    Exceptions may be made at the discretion of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

    For more scholarship information and application, see: Funded Training in Environment, Energy and Water Sectors

List of International Scholarships