Garnham Fellowship for International Students

Garnham Fellowship for International Students

Garnham Fellowship: Provides funding for travel, fieldwork, research, training and conferences. Grants, fellowships & scholarships for Africa-based research. Travelling fellowships & fieldwork grants.

Garnham Fund Fellowships: Professor Cyril Garnham was one of the UK’s leading parasitologists in the 20th century and his work was characterized by outstanding achievement as both laboratory scientist and field worker in the tropics.

The Garnham Fund focus areas are:


  • Africa-based research
  • General travel or training grants, including conference attendance for young researchers or clinicians selected for poster or oral presentations
  • Leprosy
  • Parasitology/entomology fieldworkThere are no restrictions by nationality or age although preference will be given to younger applicants, and fellowship of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene is not a requirement.

    The special place that Garnham occupies among his colleagues is recognized by the Fund set up in his memory to establish research fellowships for young scientists.

    The aim of the Garnham Fellowship is to encourage young scientists to carry out short term field projects.

    Suitable applicants are invited to apply to the Fund, which is administered by the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and additionally supported by Elsevier.

    Applications from non-Fellows should be supported by a Fellow who can attest to the value of the project and to the competence of the applicant to carry out the work.

    • Application Form
    • Scholarship Application
    • Application
    • Job Opportunities
  • One Garnham Fellowship of up to £5000 will be awarded annually
  • Although the Garnham Fellowships are intended mainly to support short term field projects of up to 6 months’ duration, longer projects may also be considered.
  • Preference will be given to topics in parasitology or medical entomology and to applicants with less than 5 years’ postdoctoral experience
  • Applicants are required to submit a detailed project, with costing of the work proposed, and a supporting statement from their head of department or supervisor, at least 6 months before the date of commencement
  • A short report should be submitted within 3 months of completion of the study.
    Deadline: 10 January.For more information and application forms, visit: Garnham Fellowship Website


List of International Scholarships