German-Egyptian Scholarships

German-Egyptian Scholarships

(DAAD) and the Egyptian Ministry for Higher Education have issued a call for applications for German-Egyptian Longterm Scholarship (GERLS).

The target groups for this programme are young researchers who have been awarded their Master’s degree recently (not longer than three years ago) and would like to continue their PhD-related research in Germany.

The GERS program is jointly funded by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MHESR) and the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Bonn (DAAD) in order to finance short term scholarships for young Egyptian scientists to travel to Germany.

The target groups of the program are researchers enrolled in MSc, PhD programs and young Post Doctoral candidates. The scholarships may be awarded for a period from three to six months.

There are two calls for application annually:


  • Spring Call: 15th of March till 30th of April
  • Autumn Call: 1st of September till 15th of October
    For more information and application, see; German-Egyptian Scholarships

List of International Scholarships