German Embassy Funding for NGOs

German Embassy Funding for NGOs

German Embassy Funding for NGOs

The Federal Government of Germany allocates funding to develop small-scale projects initiated by local NGOs in the field of technical cooperation.

The calls for proposal, assessment of submitted projects, and administration of funding depends on your local German Embassy.

Each Embassy will provide detailed information in regards of expected outcomes and goals of projects to be implemented.

In general; financial support is given to NGOs widening the scope of the German Embassy’s area of intervention in your country.

Donations are made for one-time investments such as purchasing educational material or furniture for schools and youth centres.

Projects shall have a maximum duration of 1 year and be in the range of maximum Euro 20 000.

The aim of this micro-project scheme is to improve basic needs of the poor and most vulnerable layers of the population.

Funding cannot be used to cover for administration costs, salaries, and travel expenses.

There are no deadlines, however, contact your local Embassy as soon as possible and 1 year in advance the commencement of your project.

Projects are normally expected to run from January 1 to December 31.

Also the Federal Ministry for Official Development Assistance (ODA) supports bilateral governmental co-operation and non-governmental organisations abroad.

ODA sponsors large projects up to Euro 500 000. Non-governmental support is given only to German NGOs.

As such, you might consider proposing a collaborative project to a German NGO in order to access this funding scheme.

Proposed projects shall demonstrate to improve the economic, social, and ecological situation of poor countries and they shall work towards the implementation of human rights.

At least 50% of the total budget shall be spent on structure building measures. The German NGO shall present the proposal as principal applicant and it shall demonstrate to have at least 3 years of experience in developing projects.

The maximum duration of the proposed projects is 4 years and all the documentation must be submitted in German.

If your NGO works in the field of culture you might also consider contacting a local branch of the Goethe Institut whose main goal is to promote international cultural cooperation by organizing events to present German culture.

Applications Accepted All Year Round!


For more information and application details, see; German Embassy Funding for NGOs

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3 thoughts on “German Embassy Funding for NGOs”

  1. I am requesting application forms to apply for funding

  2. I am requesting for project grants.

    your response will be highly appreciated


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