German Embassy Grants for Micro Projects in Pakistan

German Embassy Grants for Micro Projects in Pakistan

German Embassy Grants for Micro Projects in Pakistan

The German Embassy in Pakistan is accepting applications for the Micro Projects Scheme.

The “Micro-Project-Scheme” of the German missions in Pakistan, the German Embassy in Islamabad and the Consulate General in Karachi aims to improve the social and economic development of the most underprivileged groups of society through “self-help”-projects.

For years NGOs, local committees, associations, welfare societies, schools and kindergartens have been supported on a non-profit basis.

What can be funded?

A project that falls in the range of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) generally qualifies to receive funds.


  • For next year, the special focus of the German missions in Pakistan is on environmental protection and responsible consumption of resources and products as well imparting knowledge and skills from which others in the target group benefit.Innovative ideas for sustainable proposals are preferred.

    Funding Information

    Your organization cannot partially or fully fund a project on its own and needs financial assistance which does not exceed the equivalent of 25.000, – euros (about 4.500.000,- PKR as of November 2020)

    General Conditions


  • Your organization has previous experience in project financing and administration
  • The suggested project has not begun yet and the overall financing is guaranteed
  • It has a running time of up to a year and must be completed until 31 December next year.
  • The funding is required for a one-time engagement. The impact of the project should be sustainable.However, any follow-up costs must be covered by your organization or a third party
  • If required, any necessary clearance and permission of local authorities must be obtained before the start of the project.
  • Necessary technical equipment and goods are preferably bought in Pakistan and maintenance is ensuredApply by 31st December.



For more information and application details, see; German Embassy Grants for Micro Projects in Pakista


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