GroFin Grants and Funding for Small and Growing Businesses in Africa

GroFin Grants and Funding for Small and Growing Businesses in Africa

GroFin Grants and Funding for Small and Growing Businesses in Africa

GroFin is seeking applications for its Small and Growing Business Fund.

GroFin is a pioneering development financier specializing in financing and supporting small and growing businesses (SGBs) across Africa and the Middle East.

GroFin combines patient capital and specialized business support to grow emerging market enterprises.

SGB Fund: First of its kind, uncapped and unlimited-life fund to support growth of small and growing businesses in Africa.


80 – 100 investments per year at an average deal size of USD $100,000- USD $1.5 million in local currency.

The fund typically provides finance in forms of medium term loans. Over 10 years the growing SGB portfolio will sustain 32,000 employees as part of its impact.

A specialist fund manager with a proven track record and local capacity in 9 countries in Africa.


Focus on Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs) that are grossly underserved by other funds or financiers.

Delivers a unique integrated solution for patient risk capital and end-to-end business support to start-up and growing businesses at the SME base.

Fund Size

US $100+ Million


Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Egypt, South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda

Eligibility Criteria


  • Applicant’s business operates in one of the following countries: Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia,
  • Egypt, South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda
  • Applicant’s business is for profit
  • Applicant’s business has a turnover of less than US$ 15 million and assets less than US$ 6 million
  • Applicants require financing between US$ 100,000 and US$ 1.5 million
  • The business is owner-operated and/or the owner is substantially involved in running the businessHow to Apply

    Applicants can apply online through the given website.

    Applications accepted all year round.


    For more information and application details, see; GroFin Grants and Funding for Small and Growing Businesses in Africa


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