Gulu University Fees Structure 2024-2025
Gulu university offers a number of courses at both undergraduate and graduate level. Gulu University is one of the private universities in Uganda. Below we look at the fees structure for each of the courses offered at Gulu University.
Note: PhD by Research is offered in all Faculties/Institutes. Applicants with Masters Degree in the relevant field are required to submit their applications any time accompanied by a synopsis.
GUM | Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Weekdays) | 5 years | Ugx. 1,344,000 | 1,995 |
GPH | Bachelor of Science in Public Health (Weekdays) | 3 years | Ugx. 1,344,000 | $1,995 |
GUA | Bachelor of Agriculture (Weekdays) | 4 years | Ugx. 1,050,000 | $1,365 |
GSB | Bachelor of Science in Biosystems Engineering (Weekdays) | 4 years | Ugx. 1,344,000 | $1,995 |
BFA | Bachelor of Science in Food and Agribusiness (Weekdays) | 4 years | Ugx. 1,050,000 | $1,365 |
BSA | Bachelor of Science in Agri-Entrepreneurship and Communication Management | 4 years | Ugx. 1,050,000 | $1,365 |
BBG | Bachelor of Business Administration (Weekdays) | 3 years | Ugx. 910,000 | $1,365 |
BAK | Bachelor of Business Administration (Weekends) | 3 years | Ugx. 910,000 | $1,365 |
GQE | Bachelor of Quantitative Economics (Weekdays) | 3 years | Ugx. 1,050,000 | $1,365 |
GSE | Bachelor of Science Economics (Weekdays) | 3 years | Ugx. 980,000 | $1,365 |
DES | Bachelor of Development Studies (Weekdays) | 3 years | Ugx. 770,000 | $1,155 |
DEK | Bachelor of Development Studies (Weekends) | 3 years | Ugx. 770,000 | $1,155 |
GPA | Bachelor of Public Administration (Weekdays) | 3 years | Ugx. 770,000 | $1,155 |
GPK | Bachelor of Public Administration (Weekends) | 3 years | Ugx. 770, 000 | $1,155 |
GBE | Bachelor of Science Education (Biological) – Weekdays | 3 years | Ugx. 630,000 | $840 |
SEG | Bachelor of Science Education (Physical) – Weekdays | 3 years | Ugx. 630,000 | $840 |
GEE | Bachelor of Science Education (Economics) – Weekdays | 3 years | Ugx. 630,000 | $840 |
GSS | Bachelor of Science Education (Sport Science) – Weekdays | 3 years | Ugx. 630,000 | $1,365 |
SEA | Bachelor of Science Education (Agriculture) | 3 years | Ugx. 630,000 | $840 |
GCS | Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) – Weekdays | 3 years | Ugx. 910,000 | $1,365 |
GIT | Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (Weekdays) | 3 years | Ugx. 910,000 | $1,365 |
GIK | Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (Weekends) | 3 years | Ugx. 910,000 | $1,365 |
GAE | Bachelor of Arts Education (Weekdays) | 3 years | Ugx. 630,000 | $840 |
GAK | Bachelor of Arts Education (Weekends) | 3 years | Ugx. 630,000 | $840 |
BBE | Bachelor of Business Education (Weekdays) | 3 years | Ugx. 630,000 | $840 |
GUM | Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Weekdays) | 5 years | Ugx. 1,344,000 | $1,995 |
GPH | Bachelor of Science in Public Health (Weekdays) | 3 years | Ugx. 1,344,000 | $1,995 |
GUA | Bachelor of Agriculture (Weekdays) | 4 years | Ugx. 1,050,000 | $1,365 |
GSB | Bachelor of Science in Biosystems Engineering(Weekdays) | 4 years | Ugx. 1,344,000 | $1,995 |
BFA | Bachelor of Science in Food and Agribusiness | 4 years | Ugx. 1,050,000 | $1,365 |
BSA | Bachelor of Science in Agri-Entrepreneurship and Communication Management | 4 years | Ugx. 1,050,000 | $1,365 |
BBG | Bachelor of Business Administration (Weekdays) | 3 years | Ugx. 910,000 | $1,365 |
BAK | Bachelor of Business Administration (Weekends) | 3 years | Ugx. 910,000 | $1,365 |
GQE | Bachelor of Quantitative Economics (Weekdays) | 3 years | Ugx. 1,050,000 | $1,365 |
DES | Bachelor of Development Studies (Weekdays) | 3 years | Ugx. 770,000 | $1,155 |
DEK | Bachelor of Development Studies (Weekends) | 3 years | Ugx. 770,000 | $1,155 |
GPA | Bachelor of Public Administration (Weekdays) | 3 years | Ugx. 770,000 | $1,155 |
GPK | Bachelor of Public Administration (Weekends) | 3 years | Ugx. 770,000 | $1,155 |
GBE | Bachelor of Science Education(Biological) – Weekdays | 3 years | Ugx. 630,000 | $840 |
SEG | Bachelor of Science Education (Physical) – Weekdays | 3 years | Ugx. 630,000 | $840 |
GEE | Bachelor of Science Education (Economics) – Weekdays | 3 years | Ugx. 630,000 | $840 |
GSS | Bachelor of Science Education (Sports Science) – Weekdays | 3 years | Ugx. 630,000 | $1,365 |
SEA | Bachelor of Science Education (Agriculture) | 4 years | Ugx. 1,050,000 | $1,365 |
GCS | Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) – Weekdays | 3 years | Ugx. 910,000 | $1,365 |
GIT | Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (Weekdays) | 3 years | Ugx. 910,000 | $1,365 |
GIK | Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (Weekends) | 3 years | Ugx. 910,000 | $1,365 |
GAE | Bachelor of Arts Education (Weekdays) | 3 years | Ugx. 630,000 | $840 |
GAK | Bachelor of Arts Education (Weekends) | 3 years | Ugx. 630,000 | $840 |
BBE | Bachelor of Business Education (Weekdays) | 3 years | Ugx. 630,000 | $840 |
PGC | Postgraduate Diploma in Conflict Management and Peace Studies (Weekend) | 1 year | Ugx.560,000 | $630 |
PGF | Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Management Weekend) | 1 year | Ugx.560,000 | $630 |
PGP | Postgraduate Diploma in Project planning and Management (Weekend) | 1 year | Ugx.560,000 | $630 |
PGS | Postgraduate Diploma in Procurement and Supply Chains Management. (Weekend) | 1 year | Ugx.650,000 | $630 |
PGE | Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Weekend) | 1 year | Ugx.560,000 | $630 |
MED | Master of Education in Education Management (Weekend) | 2 years | Ugx.980,000 | $1,470 |
MBA | Master of Business Administration (Weekend) | 2.5 years | Ugx.1,120,000 | $1,680 |
MPA | Master of Arts in Public Administration and Management (Weekend) | 2 years | Ugx.1,120,000 | $1,680 |
MAC | Master of Arts in Conflict Transformation Studies (MODULAR) | 2 years | Ugx.1,000,000 | $1,680 |
MGE | Master of Arts in Governance and Ethics (Weekend) | 2 years | Ugx.1,500,000 | $1,700 |
MEP | Master of Science in Applied Tropical Entomology and Parasitology (Weekend) | 2 years | Ugx.1,200,000 | $1,680 |
MSA | Master of Science in Animal Production and Marketing (Weekday) | 2 years | Ugx.1,300,000 | $1,000 |
MSE | Master of Science in Environmental Science and Natural Resources Manag’t (Weekday) | 2 years | Ugx.1,300,000 | $1,000 |
MAE | Master of Science in Agri-Enterprises Development (Weekday) | 2 years | Ugx.1,300,000 | $1,000 |
MFN | Master of Science in Food Security and Community Nutrition (Weekday) | 2 years | Ugx.1,300,000 | $1,000 |
MPH | Master of Public Health (Weekday) | 2 years | Ugx.2,000,000 | $2,000 |
MMS | Master of Medicine (Surgery) (Weekday) | 3 years | Ugx.2,500,000 | $2,500 |
MMA | Master of Medical Anthropology (Weekday) | 2 years | Ugx.1,500,000 | $1,900 |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural and Applied Biosciences (Taught PhD) | 3 years | Ugx.3,800,000 | $3,000 |
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