Habib Medical School Uganda Fees Structure

Habib Medical School Uganda Fees Structure


  1. Semester 1              –          4,375,000/=

Semester 2                       –          4,375,000/=    

Recess Semester               –         1,250,000/=.

  1. Ugandan students shall pay in Uganda shillings
  2. All international students shall pay tuition in US$ (United States Dollars): US$ 1,750 (one thousand seven hundred fifty United States dollars only) per Semester 1 and Semester 2
  3. All international students shall pay tuition for the Recess Semester in US$ (united states dollars): US$ 500 (five hundred United States dollars only)
  4. Tuition indicated for both Ugandan and international students excludes other functional fees to be detailed in the admission letter

Application forms can be obtained at IUIU Kampala Campus located at Kibuli, OR at the IUIU Liaison Office at King Fahd Plaza upper basement, OR at the IUIU Main Campus, Mbale at a non-refundable fee of UShs. 27,500/= (10 US$) inclusive of the bank charges, payable in Standard Chartered Bank (A/C No. 0102006038000 – Islamic University Academic Activities) and Barclays A/C No.  0344035784.

For details, call 0414-341561 OR 0414-230424 OR 0772-630804/0701-630805 OR 0702-882110/0712-882110 OR Fax: 0414- 236400.

All applicants are informed that the university reserves the right of admission for any qualifying candidates.

About Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU)

Habib Medical School Remedial Entry Requirements

Habib Medical School Direct Entry Requirements

Habib Medical School Mature Entry Requirements

Habib Medical School Diploma Holders Entry Requirements

Habib Medical School Degree Entry Requirements

Habib Medical School Course Durations

Habib Medical School Uganda Contact Address

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