Hammett Grants for Activists & Writers

Hammett Grants for Activists & Writers

Funding for Human Rights Activists/Writers under the Hellman/Hammett Grant

The Hellman/Hammett Grant is for writers, but even human rights activists who have been writing on issues and face the threat of persecution can also apply.

– The grants are made possible by the estate of the American playwright Lillian Hellman with funds set up in her name and that of her long-time companion, the novelist Dashiell Hammett.

– Ms. Hellman was prompted by her experiences during the anti-communist hysteria of the 1950s, when she and Hammett were interrogated about their political beliefs and affiliations before Congressional committees. Hellman suffered professionally and had trouble finding work for a number of years. Hammett served time in prison.”

– There are grants available between $500 and $10,000 and human rights writers or activists suffering threats, harassment, assaults, torture, imprisonment etc can be nominated for the grant. Nominations should be made using the application form available at the IFEX website.

Details to be submitted:

  • biographical information about the nominee;
  • a list of the nominees’ published writings;
  • a statement about the political persecution suffered by the nominee and how these experiences relate to his or her writing;
  • a statement about financial need.

Deadline submit the nominations: 17th December

Follow the links below for more details and applicationcontacts.

For More Information, Kindly Visit; Hammett Grant for Human Rights Activists

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