HEC – Leopold Senghor Scholarships

HEC – Leopold Senghor Scholarships

Leopold Senghor Scholarships: Recipients of the Leopold Senghor Scholarship are high-quality candidates who meet the HEC MBA standard selection criteria and have demonstrated:

  • Excellence in academic achievements
  • Aptitude in business, finance and management
  • Leadership potential
  • Profound interest in West Africa with a deep commitment to its economic development.Scholarship Application Eligibility Criteria:

    To be eligible for the Leopold Senghor Scholarship, applicants must be French speaking African nationals who have lived and been educated mostly in the country.

    A need-based award, the Leopold Senghor Scholarship will go to candidates who are financially disadvantaged.

    Selection Criteria:

    Individuals wishing to apply for the Leopold Senghor Scholarship must write two essays and prove need for financial assistance.

    First essay: Applicants must address why earning an HEC MBA would significantly advance their future role in French speaking Africa and why they should be selected as a Leopold Senghor Scholar on the HEC campus (1,000 words).

    Second Essay: Demonstrating their acquired knowledge, applicants should pinpoint a specific area of interest relevant to the growth of French speaking Africa and discuss how his or her management knowledge and competences as enhanced by the HEC MBA Program could contribute to the economic, social and global development of the country (1,000 words).

    Personal Financial Statement:

    Applicants must submit a detailed description of their financial circumstances as well as a cash-flow forecast for 16 months at HEC.

    Amount of Award: €10,000

    For more information and scholarship applications, see: HEC – Leopold Senghor Scholarships

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