HESLB Appeal Forms | www.heslb.go.tz Appeals
(i)All appeals will attract a non-refundable fee of Tzs. 10,000/= per appeal which should be paid through M-Pesa and the Transaction ID generated should be input into the Online Loan Application and Management System prior to appealing online.
(ii)You must complete the relevant Online Appeal Forms, make a printout of the same and attach thereto the necessary supporting
documents. The Online Appeals Form is accessible through http://olas.heslb.go.tz
(iii)After successful completion of the Online Appeal Form, the appellant must download the form and attach the necessary documents and hand over to the respective Higher Education Institution Loan Desk Officer.
(iv)Appeals must be routed through the respective Loan Desk Officers who will collect all appeal forms from their respective Institutions and submit them under covering letters to the Board. The Board will not accept any appeal forms that will be submitted directly by students to the Board.
See also
HESLB News and Updates
HESLB Loan Application Deadline
Historical Background of HESLB Tanzania