Historical Background of ACCT Uganda 

Historical Background of ACCT Uganda

Historical Background of African College of Commerce and Technology ACCT Uganda


African College of Commerce & Technology is an Educational Institution majoring in Business Technical and Vocational training programmes. Below is the historical background of the institution.

1986: 14th April, Commissioned as a Business Education Institution.

1986: June, Registered and Recognised by the Ministry of Education.

1990: Held the first Graduation Ceremony;

1992: Introduced Computer Science Courses;

1994: Granted Exams Centre U62 by the Uganda National Examinations Board, (now UBTEB)

1998: Purchased land on which the Campus is constructed.

2003: Affiliated to Makerere University Business School (MUBS)

2004: Shifted from rented building in the town centre to a kilometre away in our own buildings in an area conducive for learning

2005 Received Donation from the Federal Republic of Germany in form of buildings, computers, text books and human resource development.

2007: Worn a BRONZE Medal from Federation of Uganda Employers for being the Best Employer in Uganda for the year


2008: Accredited by the National Council for Higher Education – NCHE as a recognized Institution of Higher learning in Uganda:

2010: Re-branding African College of Commerce started. Introduced more Technical and Vocational programmes and short courses.

2011: April 16th 2011, Celebrated Silver Jubilee 1986 to 2011. Made outreach to Rwanda, Congo, Tanzania Burundi and Kenya;

2012: Transformed into a fully fledged Polytechnic. Engaged all the training programmes into innovation and production units for

products and services. Concretised the hands on training and competence based approach.

2014: CHANGED NAME. The Government of Uganda permitted change of name from African College of Commerce (ACC) to African College of Commerce & Technology (ACCT)

2014: Results of students are released on line. ACCT students and their guardians can access the academic results and fee payment on line:

2015: The National Council for Higher Education – NCHE Granted a Certificate of Classification and Registration (Charter).

2015 All the programmes are Accredited by the NCHE.

2015 Affiliated to Kyambogo University for Diploma in Instructor and Technical Teacher Education (DITTE)

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