Historical Background of African Bible University Uganda

Historical Background of African Bible University Uganda

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Brief History of African Bible University Of Uganda:

African Bible University Of Uganda is a unique educational institution which is not new to Africa. The original vision for the university began in the hearts and minds of Dr. and Mrs. John W. Chinchen. After spending seven years training pastors in the interior of Liberia, the Chinchens realized the great need for colleges that would respond to the need of the large number of secondary school graduates in Africa. In 1978 the vision became reality when the first of the African Bible Colleges began in Liberia, West Africa. A second college opened in 1991 in the South-East African country of Malawi. In due time, both of these colleges were recognized by the governments of their respective countries as accredited, university-level, degree-granting institutions.

Ugandan students who traveled 1500 miles overland to enroll at African Bible College in Malawi kept asking for the administration to begin a third university in Uganda. An exploratory trip was made in 1996, and encouragement was received from individuals, churches and government officials. Seven trips were made over a six-year period, and in 2002, 20 acres were finally acquired in Lubowa, just 10 kilometers south of the capital city of Kampala. Construction began the same year, following a campus design including plans for 31 buildings. In 2004 an additional 10 acres adjoining the original property was acquired. The university opened in September 2005 with a pioneer class of 20 students.

With its strategic location in the East African country of Uganda, African Bible University offers quality education from a Christian perspective to the surrounding countries of Sudan, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia. It is our prayer that over the years to come, many servant-leaders for African will go forth with a vision of expanding Christ’s kingdom throughout the continent.


In humble reliance on the grace of God as it is found in Jesus Christ, African Bible University of Uganda makes the following commitments:

  1. We are committed to the Bible as God’s verbally inspired and infallible Word as the basis of all our teaching
  2. We are committed to the historic Christian faith as first expressed by the apostles of Christ and subsequently rediscovered and formulated by the protestant reformers. This faith affirms the three persons of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; the union without confusion of the divine and human natures of Jesus Christ; the death of Christ in substitution for the deserved punishment of sins for all who will believe in Him; the powerful work of the Holy Spirit in bringing the most hardened of sinners to new life in Christ; the church as the unified body of believers, who are the select people of God from all nations; and the visible, bodily return of Christ in triumph over all his enemies, climaxing with victory over the last enemy by the resurrection of the dead
  3. We are committed to the highest quality of education on the university level, so that in all things Christ might  have the preeminence.
  4. We are committed to trusting our sovereign, loving heavenly Father for all the needs of the university, asking Him to provide facilities, faculty, staff and students according to the riches of His wisdom and grace.

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List of Courses Offered at African Bible University Uganda 

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