Historical Background of AMUCTA
Historical Background of Archbishop Mihayo University College of Tabora
Archbishop Mihayo University College of Tabora (AMUCTA), a Constituent College of St Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), officially opened on 5th November 2010
The intention for launching the University College was in line with the goal of the Catholic Bishops of Tanzania to ensure that we have a training that would impart academic and professional skills and infuse values of civic and social learning to our students.
AMUCTA, therefore, adheres to SAUT vision of holistic development of a person and respect for human dignity. In recognition of this vision, AMUCTA continues to uphold the SAUT motto of “Building the City of God” and cherish our own motto “Seeking Wisdom in Truth”.
In implementing its envisioned ideal, SAUT found it important to establish this University College for the purpose of shedding light and contributing to higher education. This takes cognisance of the national development vision 2025, which mainly focuses on high quality of life, peace, stability and unity, good governance, a well-educated and learning society, a competitive economy capable of producing sustainable growth and shared benefits.
The rationale of the establishment of AMUCTA in Tabora region was to maintain the vision of the Catholic church of Tanzania to bring higher education services close to the people as it has been its tradition globally, regionally and locally. In this view, Tabora was one of the targets and hence AMUCTA was established.
The main emphasis in curriculum orientation for this University College include: secular education and training programmes, research relevant to national research agenda and consultancy and community services. In 2010/11 academic year, the University College started with Bachelor of Arts with Education and enrolled 886 students were enrolled