Historical Background of IUEA Uganda

Historical Background of IUEA Uganda

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INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EAST AFRICA (IUEA) is a private university licensed by the Ugandan National Council for Higher Education (NCHE). IUEA main campus is located in Kansanga, Kampala, Uganda, and draws students from East Africa, and from the rest of the world. The International University of East Africa celebrates a multi-cultural atmosphere. For example, it is not unusual at IUEA to have a student project group made up of students from Uganda, Egypt, DRC, Eritrea, and Nigeria working on a problem assigned by a lecturer from New Zealand.

IUEA is a thriving international community of scholars and students engaged in the pursuit of advanced knowledge, practical skills and humane values.

At IUEA we are dedicated to producing excellent graduates who are masters of their chosen fields of study, highly employable, and capable of creating new products and building new companies as entrepreneurs.

IUEA offers many program that lead to Graduate, Undergraduate and Post-graduate degrees. IUEA also offers the International Foundation Program (IFP), CISCO, special language classes, certificates in short courses, and diplomas that prepare students for both employment and entry into degree program. All Certificates, Diplomas Degrees and Masters are designed to ensure that students get maximum expertise in the use of technology, and complete their program armed with (as our mission states) an excellent education that includes practical experience and skills for employment and entrepreneurship.

IUEA has students from diverse nationalities pursuing various program;

i.e Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, South Sudan, Somalia, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Nigeria, America, Madagascar, Zambia, Liberia, Chad, Egypt, Malawi, Iran, India, Canada, Philipine, South America, UAE, Saudi Arabia, New zealand, Holland, etc.

What makes IUEA unique?

  • Excellent university education at affordable fees
  • Emphasis on practical experience and skills
  • Small class sizes (low ratio of students to lecturer)
  • Modern lecture rooms equiped with projectors
  • All degree students are handed free laptops
  • Free Wifi on campus
  • Lecture notes and slides available on e-learning platform
  • Superb library of books and electronic resources
  • Top professors and lecturers from around the world
  • Outstanding engineering labs and computer labs
  • CISCO Academy
  • Language Center that includes superior communication skills for all
  • New Professional skills center
  • The largest auditorium in Uganda
  • A thriving intellectual and multi-cultural international environment
  • Sports facilities for everyone
  • Full access for persons with disabilities