Historical Background of Tumaini University Makumira TUMA

Historical Background of Tumaini University Makumira TUMA

Tumaini University Makumira (TUMA) , formerly Lutheran Theological College Makumira, is the main campus of Tumaini University Makumira, the university of the Evangilical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) established in 1997. We are located in northern Tanzania (East Africa).

Statement of Mission and Rationale of Tumaini University Makumira

The Mission of the College is:

  1. to provide educational programs which will be progressively harnessed to focus as best as possible on the economic and social development of the people at all levels;
  2. to engage its faculties and students in studies of higher learning committed to the pursuit of truth through scientific research and inquiries
  3. to promote higher education in its broadest sense, delving into fact-finding under the guidance of and in obedience to the Word of God;
  4. to serve the promotion of liberty for all categories of people in society by being alert and well informed on all those important matters commonly associated with the best of University education;
  5. to be sensitive to the pressures which dehumanize society and oppress human kind so as to rescue, elaborate and communicate those elements of national culture which are possible and humanizing while at the same time liberating human capacities, engendering and nurturing good moral values;
  6. to provide the kind of education which will promote freedom from diseases, ignorance and poverty for all people in society. The assurance of freedom includes the removal of hampering influences which tend to block honest research and studies;
  7. to explore, test and analyze new ideas, models and alternative avenues for development and promotion of a viable and just human society;
  8. to realize hopes and meet the expectations of the ELCT by developing resources from which fresh intellectual and spiritual breezes will spring up and spread out far and wide for the renewal of the Church and society as a whole.

Objectives of the College

The College shall, subject to the Provisions of this Charter, and in addition to any other powers conferred by the Charter have the following objectives:

  1. to preserve, transmit and enhance knowledge for the benefit of the peoples of Tanzania, Africa and the rest of the world without gender discrimination in accordance with the various principles and developmental strategies prevailing in the world;
  2. to empower students to enhance the formation of their fundamental capabilities, and by assisting them to think critically and to be skilful in communication and methods of inquiry;
  3. to create a sense of public responsibility in the students and to promote respect for learning and the pursuit of truth and mature thinking about the ultimate meaning of human life;
  4. to encourage perspectives and moral values embodying a sense of vocation, a deep concern for human betterment, an obligation of service to others equality among persons, loyalty to the truth and responsible citizenship;
  5. to develop and promote leadership with moral character and instilled with a sense of care and responsibility for all;
  6. to stimulate and to promote cultural development, inter-personal relationships and international understanding among the students;
  7. to promote an understanding of the practical applications of knowledge including historical origin, purpose and meaning of life, a sense of value to life, a balance of intellectual and spiritual health , identification with African culture, and integration of various cultures.
  8. to provide conducive learning and working environment to special needs of women and of persons with common physical disabilities of sight, hearing and movement.

Powers and Functions of the college

The College shall, subject to the provisions of the Universities Act, 2005, Regulations made there under and the Charter regarding provisions on gender and opportunities for persons from disadvantaged groups, have the following functions:-

  1. to provide courses leading to degrees, diplomas or certificates, including training for persons wishing to enter the College;
  2. to hold examinations and to confer degrees, including honorary degrees and other awards, upon persons who have followed courses of study approved by the Senate, and, additionally or alternatively, have satisfied such other requirements as may be determined by the Senate;
  3. to institute, establish or create professorships and other posts and offices and to make appointments thereto in line with such organizational structure as shall be approved from time to time by the Board in consultation with the Council;
  4. to provide for research and courses of instruction, whether on a full time or part-time basis, by correspondence or extramurally, and to take such other steps as may appear necessary and desirable for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge;
  5. to erect, equip and maintain laboratories, offices, halls, of residence, lecture halls, libraries, museums and other buildings and structures required for the promotion of its objects;
  6. to regulate and/or provide, where possible, and subject to the College regulations, housing for its students and members of staff;
  7. to co-operate with the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania and other interested institutions of the peoples of Tanzania and outside the United Republic in the planned and orderly development of quality education, science and technology in the United Republic of Tanzania
  8. to provide and maintain sports fields and other recreational facilities;
  9. to establish pension and superannuation schemes for the benefit of its staff;
  10. to demand and receive such fees as may from time to time be prescribed by the College Governing Board;
  11. to acquire any property, movable, or immovable and to take, accept and hold any property which may become vested in it by way of purchase, exchange, grant, donation, lease or testamentary disposition;
  12. to open, maintain and operate bank accounts as approved by the Board;
  13. to sell, mortgage, let or hire, exchange, donate or otherwise dispose of any property held by it;
  14. to invest in land or securities such funds as may be vested in it for the purpose of endowment, whether for general or specific purposes, or such other funds as may not be immediately required for current expenditure;
  15. to enter into such contracts, to appoint such officers and to establish such trusts as may be required for the furtherance of the objects of the University;
  16. to borrow money for any purpose which the College Governing Board determines as appropriate;
  17. to promote research into scientific, political, social, cultural and other areas of knowledge generally, with particular reference to the interests of Tanzania and mankind in general, and to promote intellectual, cultural, scientific and technological development;
  18. to endeavour, seek and/or institute and award fellowships, scholarships, bursaries, medals, prizes and other distinction awards and forms of assistance or sponsorship for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge;
  19. to enter into legal agreements with the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, Institutions which collaborate with the ELCT or any other Institution regarding anything that the College is empowered to do under this Charter;
  20. to do, in accordance with the general law of the United Republic of Tanzania and this Charter, all such acts and things, whether or not incidental to these objects, powers and functions, and whether within or outside the United Republic of Tanzania, as may be required, desirable or expedient in order to further these objectives, powers and functions or any of them.

Tumaini University Makumira TUMA  Pages

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