HKMU Applications for the Wholistic Therapeutic Counseling and Computer Training

 HKMU Applications for the Wholistic Therapeutic Counseling and Computer Training


Wholistic Therapeutic Counseling programme is conducted by the department of Behavioral Sciences and Ethics. The programme is tailor made for: Corporate / Parastatals Personnel officers, Matrons/Patrons from Secondary Schools, Wardens, School Principals, Social Workers, Administrators, Students Advisers and Health Professionals/ Workers.

Entry Requirements: Ordinary Level Certificate of Secondary Education and above.

Duration of the programme: 3 months.

Starting dates: January, May and August of each year, Monday to Friday from: 03:00pm to 05:00pm.

Mode of Application:

Interested applicants should apply for Application Forms, with a non-refundable fee of TZS 30,000/=(Tanzanians) or USD 30.00 (for international students) by Telegraphic Transfer, Postal Money Order, Cheque or Cash payable to the Bursar and sent to:

Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Hubert Kairuki Memorial University
322 Kairuki Road
P. O. Box 65300
Dar es Salaam
Tel. 255-22-2700021/4
Fax: 255-22-2775591
E-mails: or


Call for Applicants in Computer Training Programme- Beginner to Advanced Level Training.

The University through its ICT Unit conducts various Computer training programmes. The University has adequate computer laboratory which can accommodate up to 100 learners in a single sitting.
The main objective of conducting computer training programme is to provide a general understanding, and equip candidates with skills in computer applications, that would assist them in undertaking more challenging tasks that require computer knowledge at different levels.

Computer training programme is recommended to all candidates interested in acquiring or sharpening their computer skills with the aim of overcoming challenging environment of computer applications in different social settings at different levels.

Duration: 5 weeks, 2 hours a day.

Classes: Monday-Friday

Certification: Certificates of attendance will be issued to candidates upon completion of the Course.

Applications for the Computer Course programmes can be sent to:

Mr. Kaizilege Karoma
Course Coordinator
Hubert Kairuki Memorial University
322 Kairuki Road, P. O. Box 65300, Dar es Salaam
Tel. 255-22-2700021/4 or Fax: 255-22-2775591 or

For more information visit HKMU premises or call 0713 431 099

Sn Course Title Course Contents Duration Tuition Fee(TZS)
1 Basic Computer Applications Ms Windows(Ms Word), Ms Excel, Ms Access, Internet and Email. 6 Weeks 2hours per day 200,000
2 Advanced Computer Applications Advanced Windows(Advanced Ms Word), Advanced Ms Excel, Advanced Ms Acess, Advanced  Ms Power Point. 5 Weeks 2 hours per day 250,000
3 Graphic Design Ms Publisher, Adobe, Photoshop, Page Maker and Corel Draw 7 Weeks 2 hours per day 320,000
4 Web Design HTML, CSS and Bootstrap 6 Weeks 2 hours per day 300,000