HKMU Faculty of Medicine Clinical Rotations

HKMU Faculty of Medicine Clinical Rotations

Hubert Kairuki Memorial University HKMU Faculty of Medicine Clinical Rotations

Format for Conducting Clinical Rotations

Each Academic Year

MD4 [1c]. Sem 7 & 8
Week Dates MD4 [Two Groups]
Group 4A Group 4B
1-13 Sep-Jan Internal Medicine Paediatrics
14 Jan-Jan ERE Internal Medicine ERE Paediatrics
15 Processing of examination results
16 Jan-Jan FQE Internal Medicine FQE Paediatrics
17 Jan-Jan Breather Breather
18-31 Jan-May Paediatrics Internal Medicine
32 May-May ERE Paediatrics ERE Internal Medicine
33 May-May Processing Examination Results
34 FQE Internal Medicine FQE Paediatrics
35 Breather Breather
36-44 Jun-Jul Psychiatry Group A&B
45 Aug-Aug FQE Psychiatry(W) + Forensic FE
46-52 Aug-Sep Electives, Suppl. Rotations, Long Vacation
Note: Week 22 Feb ESEForensic Medicine[1]   Group 4A+4B

Each Academic Year

MD5 [1d]. Sem 9 & 10
Week Dates MD5 [Two Groups]
Group 5A] Group 5B
1-13 Sep-Jan OBGY Surgery
14 Jan-Jan ERE OBGY ERE Surgery
15 Processing of examination results
16 Jan-Jan FQE OBGY FQE Surgery
17 Jan-Jan Breather Breather
18-31 Jan-May Surgery OBGY
32 May-May ERE Surgery ERE OBGY
33 Processing examination results
34 May-May FQE Surgery FQE OBGY
35 Breather
36-44 Jun-Jul/Aug Community Medicine Rot. + ERE A&B
45 Aug FQE: Community Medicine
46-52 Aug-Sep Suppl. Rotations, Long Vacation

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