Hospice Africa Uganda Palliative care

Hospice Africa Uganda Palliative care

The course aims at providing the health professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to implement sustainable and high standard palliative care services and to advocate their governments and other key stakeholders. It also bonds palliative care specialists from various countries together, in such a way that they learn from their countries’ different challenges and achievements.

Since 2009, IP has carried out 13 Palliative Care Initiators’ Courses, with three and other African countries, and four in French.

The Francophone Palliative Care Initiators’ Course is carried out in Uganda; the French-speaking faculty come from our own team, Francophone Africa and Europe and a few sessions are taught with instant translation. This is because today only Uganda can serve as a model in holistic palliative care that the post-graduate students are being acquainted with during the two-week Clinical Placement.

When successfully completing the Course, the participants are able to:

  1. Patients’ Care. To understand the holistic needs of the critically ill and those at the end of life through impeccable assessment and knowledge of the patient. To have the medical skills to diagnose and manage pain and symptoms using the medications available in the country.
  2. Advocacy. To understand the role of the Ministry of Health, the palliative care associations and organisations, and other key stakeholders to reach more people in need in the area and the country. To have the confidence and knowledge to advocate for palliative care at the local and national levels for medicine availability, training and resources allocation in palliative care.
  3. Teaching. To have the confidence to teach others and being an advocate in the working place.
  4. Building up Palliative Care Services. To know where to find resources and support when needed.


Background of Hospice Uganda

Hospice Uganda Address and Contacts

Hospice Uganda Locations

Hospice Uganda Volunteer

Hospice Africa Uganda Annual Report

Hospice Africa Uganda Short Courses

Hospice Africa Uganda Courses Offered

Hospice Africa Uganda Admissions

Hospice Africa Uganda Scholarships

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