How to Cook Quinoa: A Complete Guide for the Newbie!

How to Cook Quinoa: A Complete Guide for the Newbie!

How to Cook Quinoa: A Complete Guide for the Newbie!
How to Cook Quinoa: A Complete Guide for the Newbie!

Quinoa is a great source of healthy protein, vitamins and minerals. With its neutral taste and texture, quinoa is easy to incorporate into just about any meal, from breakfast to dinner. It also cooks in about 15 minutes, which makes it perfect for busy weeknight meals. Even though quinoa has a funny name and an unusual appearance, it’s actually quite an ordinary grain in many respects. It’s high in fiber and contains balanced amounts of the essential amino acids arginine, histidine, leucine and lysine. In fact, quinoa has more lysine than any other grain or seed—a nutrient that plays an important role in collagen production. With so many benefits and simple ways to integrate it into your diet—whether as whole-grain cereal or flour in baked goods—quinoa ought to become a staple pantry item at home as well as at work.

How to cook quinoa

The first step when learning how to cook quinoa is to rinse the quinoa under cool running water. Quinoa is naturally coated with a protective layer called saponin, which is harmless but may give the quinoa an unpleasant soapy taste and make it difficult to digest. Rinsing the quinoa under running water will remove the saponin. The second step when learning how to cook quinoa is to toast the quinoa in a dry pan over medium heat. Toasting the quinoa is optional, but it will bring out the quinoa’s nutty flavor and make it easier to digest. To toast the quinoa, add the quinoa to a dry medium-sized frying pan. Toast the quinoa for about 5 minutes, stirring every minute or so until the quinoa is light brown in colour. The third step when learning how to cook quinoa is to add water and bring to a boil. At this point, the quinoa has been rinsed, toasted and the pan has been heated. Add the quinoa to a saucepan along with the appropriate amount of water. For every 1 cup of quinoa, you’ll want about 2 cups of water. Once the water has come to a boil, lower the heat to a simmer and cover the pan. Simmer the quinoa for about 15 minutes, then turn off the heat and leave the pan covered for an additional 5 minutes.

Step 4: Fluff and serve

The final step when learning how to cook quinoa is to fluff the quinoa with a fork and serve. For a fluffy and light quinoa, you’ll want to fluff the quinoa just before serving. This will let the steam escape and allow the quinoa to dry out slightly. Serve the quinoa warm or chilled. Quinoa is also great in recipes! You can use the cooked quinoa in almost any way you would use rice—in salads, soups and stir-fries. Quinoa is also great in baked goods like breads, muffins and cookies.

Bottom line

Quinoa is a nutritious, easy-to-make, gluten-free grain that can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. It’s quick to cook and easy to adapt, making it a great staple to keep in the pantry. With so many benefits and simple ways to integrate it into your diet, quinoa is a superfood that should become a staple in your diet. Besides, there are interesting facts about quinoa. Did you know that it’s a complete protein? Or that it is the only grain that is a complete source of essential amino acids? Or that it is one of the few plants that produces its own vitamin B12? Quinoa is a nutrient-packed superfood that should become a staple in your diet.