How to Delete Your Facebook Account (Step-by-step Instructions)
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It’s hard to imagine how anyone could have so much excess time on their hands as to invest so much of it in something like Facebook. But rest assured that there are plenty of people out there who do just that, and many of them probably know you. But unless you work for Facebook, or plan on spending your career (and your life) with the company, you should definitely consider deleting your account sooner rather than later… If you’re ready to abandon ship and check out of Facebook forever, it’s pretty easy to do that. The social networking site makes it fairly straightforward to delete an account. You can even do it without hurting your friends’ feelings or leaving any last-minute digital bread crumbs that they might discover later. Here’s a quick guide on how to delete your Facebook account
The 10-second deletion process
First, you have to log in to your account. Logging out won’t let you delete your account. Once you’re logged in, go to Settings from the top-right drop-down menu. On the Settings page, you’ll see a link for “Your Account” about halfway down the page. This takes you to a page where you can delete your account. Facebook warns you that deleting your account is a permanent action. After you click the “Delete My Account” button, Facebook will give you an extra 10 days just in case you change your mind.
Deleting and deactivating are not the same thing
If you want to deactivate your account, that’s fine. You just can’t use the account while it’s deactivated. You don’t have to delete your account completely if you don’t want to. You can deactivate it instead. Deactivating your account is not the same as deleting it. When you deactivate your account, it’s like taking a break from Facebook. When you come back, you can immediately reactivate your account by logging in with your username and password as if you’d never left. If you decide to delete your account, you can’t reactivate it later. You’ll just have to make new friends. Deleting your Facebook account means erasing all of the information associated with your account. This includes posts, pictures, videos, comments, and more.
Deleting your Facebook account
– What to know before you delete You’ll lose access to all of the people you’ve added as friends, groups, and events. You’ll lose all of your data, and you won’t be able to get it back, nor will you be able to download it. You’ll lose the groups you’ve created. – The big farewell If you’re ready to say goodbye to Facebook once and for all, you’ll have to log in to your account. Once logged in, click on the “Security” tab on the top-right side of the page. Scroll down to the “Deactivate your account” section and click “End my account.” Confirm that you want to end your account by clicking “End My Account.” Facebook will send you an email confirmation once your account has been deleted. Once you receive this email, your Facebook account is gone for good.