How to Use Your Skills to Find the Perfect Job

How to Use Your Skills to Find the Perfect Job

Job Search is a hard nut cracking experience one would never want to go through after attaining a degree but due to the few job opportunities available, you’ve got to hone in on your skills, to land the perfect job. In addition to having the right skills for the jobs of today (and tomorrow), you need to be able to present those skills clearly and confidently in your resume. After all, a recruiter needs to know what tools you have in your toolbox in order to properly evaluate whether you’re a fit for the job.

“Wait, what are my skills?”

If you’re asking yourself this question, you are not alone. Even if you are a seasoned pro, it can be tough to list your skills and match them up with a job description. That’s why we’re here to help.

Most people start their job search by searching for job titles, but with so many new types of jobs popping up every day, you might miss out on a great opportunity by limiting yourself to a certain title. Instead, identify your skills and what responsibilities you want and search using those keywords.

What Skills Do You Bring to the Table

To identify your ideal job, think about your current responsibilities at work. Ask yourself, “What are the things that I’m going to do that will help me achieve my core responsibilities at work?” These are your job functionality skills and can be things like writing, analysis, problem-solving, vendor set-up, or reporting.

Next, consider your technical skills by asking yourself, “What tools do I know how you use that help me do my job even better?” These technical skills or tools can include Python, Adobe Suite, SQL, Excel, R, or Access.  It’s important to know what your technical skills are and align those with the job description. Often times, these are non-negotiables in the job search process. If needed, consider taking additional coursework if you notice that your skills don’t align with the requirements outlined in job descriptions.

Last, but not least, consider what you bring to the table in the space of soft skills. From the ability to listen, verbal communication, critical thinking, and leadership to conflict management, delegation, and collaboration, these are all in-demand soft skills. To develop this list for yourself, ask yourself, “What are personal attributes that help you do your job even better?”

Now that you have your skills outlined, it’s time to figure out what you want to be doing with those skills in your next job.