IATEFL Africa Scholarship

IATEFL Africa Scholarship

IATEFL Africa Scholarship: The IATEFL Africa Scholarship was set up with the purpose of helping teachers or teacher trainers from African countries to attend the IATEFL Annual Conference.

One scholarship is usually awarded each year.

To qualify applicants must:


  • be resident and native from African countries
  • be practising teachers in primary or secondary educationor teacher trainers
  • have not travelled outside Africa before
  • be unable to finance such a trip from their own resourcesEach scholarship is worth in the region of £2000 including the registration for that conference.

    To be considered applicants are asked to:

  • send a brief curriculum vitae
  • send a passport size photograph
  • send a brief statement of how attending the IATEFL conference would benefit them, with specific references to relevant work, study or research carried out and/or planned send all of the above by the end of September and mark their envelopes: “IATEFL Africa Scholarship”.In addition, after the conference, the successful applicant will be asked to write a report of his/her experience of the conference.

    Deadline – 1st June.Contact:

    Applications can be sent by email to; Alison Medland on alison[at]iatefl.org or post to; Alison Medland, IATEFL, Darwin College, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NY, UK. E-mail: generalenquiries [at] iatefl.org

    For more information see; IATEFL Africa Scholarship Website

List of International Scholarships 


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