IHSU Diploma in Public Health Course |International Health Sciences University

IHSU Diploma in Public Health Course |International Health Sciences University

Strengthening the public health workforce to ensure it has sufficient capacity and capability is vital to improvements in health and well being for Uganda’s future. Public health has become increasingly important in the political agenda due to concerns about increasing levels of diseases that take lives unnecessarily. In addition to increasing lifestyle-related ill health (including obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, and blood pressure, chronic ill-health, and poor mental health), Sub-Saharan Africa suffers from diseases and illnesses that are closely related to poverty and lack of access to preventive health care. Poverty, HIV/AIDS, malnutrition, pollution, preventable diseases, and conflict are problems that we see all around us in the Great Lakes region today.

Institute of Allied Health Sciences Courses

  • Diploma Medical Lab Science
  • Diploma Pharmacy

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