Important notice to all Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) students of St John’s University of Tanzania

Important notice to all Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) students of St John’s University of Tanzania




We have now received the long awaited letter from the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children directing that all MLT students have to sit for a “ standard examination offered by the Ministry for the purpose of recognition by the (Medical Laboratory Practitioners) Council and not for qualifying�?. This examination will be administered in February 2017 at a date to be announced later.

Students who have already completed the MLT programme (i.e. those who graduated in 2015) have to pay an examination fee and submit the bank pay-in slip to the Ministry of Health in December 2016.

Students expecting to graduate in 2016 should submit their Form Four certificates for verification and pay the examination fee, also by December 2016.

Continuing students will have to do the examination when next offered after completing their studies.

For NTA level 5 the following modules will be examined: MLT05207 Haematology and Blood Transfusion; MLT05208 Microbiology and Immunology; MLT05209 Clinical Chemistry and MLT05210 Medical Parasitology.

For NTA level 6 the following modules will be examined: MLT06208 Diagnostic Pathology in Parasitology and Entomology; MLT06209 Diagnostic Pathology in Microbiology and Immunology; MLT06210 Diagnostic Pathology in Clinical Chemistry; MLT06211 Diagnostic Pathology in Histology and Cytology and MLT06212 Diagnostic Pathology in Haematology and Blood Transfusion.

You will be informed in due course about preparations for these examinations, but in the meantime you need to start doing the necessary revisions.

Prof. Casmir M. Rubagumya

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic)

24th November 2016


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