IMTU Postgraduate Diploma in Palliative Medicine

IMTU Postgraduate Diploma in Palliative Medicine

International Medical and Technological University Postgraduate Diploma in Palliative Medicine


The Distance Learning Postgraduate Diploma in Palliative Medicine (PGDPM) is a one year program organized into two semesters of 20 weeks each. The total number of hours for the program is 1600. This includes the examinations.


The objectives of the program is to achieve the following goals

  • – To form a flexible course that is responsive to the dynamic and rapidly changing world of work and society.
  • – To provide quality, cultural sensitive and standard Palliative care knowledge, skills and attitudes that is vital to learners, employers and the community.
  • – To build capacity to participate in implementation of the National health policy, Global Palliative care declarations and World health Organization call for universal access to Cancer and HIV/AIDS care and support.
  • – To encourage team work and self-motivation to enable graduates to perform efficiently and aspire for a higher level training.
  • – To propagate and promote moral, legal and ethical code of conduct among PGDPM graduates to perform their practice diligently.


-Theory classes
-Course Work by Distance Learning
-Personal Tutor and Supervisor
-Field research

Field research

Field research will be for 3 weeks (120 hours).During this period the student will spend a week in each of 3 selected sites for clinical placement for palliative care (CPC), Community home based Palliative care (CHBPC) and at Oncology unit respectively.


For a student to qualify for the award of Postgraduate Diploma in Palliative Medicine (PGDPM), he/she must pass all prescribed end of semester University examinations and submit an error-free dissertation after examination.

The Postgraduate Diploma in Palliative Medicine shall not be classified.