India Call for Proposals and Grants for Young Researchers

India Call for Proposals and Grants for Young Researchers.

India Call for Proposals and Grants for Young Researchers

Zubaan Publishers and the Sasakawa Peace Foundation are offering a number of research grants for young researchers from the eight northeastern states and eastern Himalayan region.

This research grant, in its third year now, hopes to encourage young writers and researchers to contribute in the diversification of knowledge production. It is set against the broad framework/themes mentioned below which will be examined through the lens of gender in the Northeast.

Thematic Areas They are looking for applications under the themes of:


  • Gender and Public Space
  • Gender and Disability
  • The grant provides financial and academic support to young researchers who may wish to look into particular aspects of the history, politics, culture of the northeastern states in relation to gender and the outlined themes.Funding Information

    The fellowship carries a grant of Rs 35,000 less applicable taxes.


    The first draft of the selected papers is expected in four months after the methodology workshop/webinar, details of which are mentioned below.

    Papers may need to be revised after the first draft depending on the feedback. Depending on the feedback, a month may be given for the required revisions.

    Eligibility Criteria


  • If you are from Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura and are less than 40 years of age, you are eligible to apply.
  • The research grant is also open for applicants from hill regions of districts Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Kurseong.
  • You must be fluent in reading and writing English.Note: Preference will be given to candidates based locally in the areas of research, keeping in consideration travel restrictions within the region due to the COVID-19 pandemic.



  • Send in a grant proposal (maximum two pages) which clearly describes what you wish to do, what sources you will tap (primary and secondary), the subject of your research and a timeline.
  • Submit a writing sample of roughly 500 words or a two-page spread of a graphic story, or an extract from an interview transcript done by you.
  • Grant proposals may be creative and do not need to be written in academic language. Submit your CV and any other relevant information about yourself that you think is necessary, including proof of age.
  • Include two names of referees, ideally people you have worked with, along with their contact information.Selection Criteria


  • All grant proposals will be screened by a selection committee. The committee will prepare a shortlist based on pre-decided criteria and may wish to interview some candidates.
  • Interviews can take place by Skype or phone. The committee will then decide and the candidate will be informed. The committee’s decision will be final.Apply by 22nd June.


    For more information and application details, see; India Call for Proposals and Grants for Young Researchers

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