IUM Namibia Application Forms 2024-2025

IUM Namibia Application Forms 2024-2025

IUM Namibia Application Forms 2024-2025 PDF Download

International University Of Management Application Form 2018 – 2019

International University Of Management Application Form 2017

International University Of Management Application Form 2016

University of Namibia Application Forms

Namibia University of Science and Technology Application Forms

Polytechnic of Namibia Application Form

Southern Business School Namibia Application Forms

TUCSIN Namibia Application Form

Business School of Excellence Namibia Application Form

Namibia Institute of Mining and Technology Application Form

Namibian Maritime and Fisheries Institute (Namfi) Application Forms

Adonai College Application Form

Headstart Mercy Montessori Teachers Training College Application Form

International Training College Lingua Application Forms

Monitronic Success College Application Forms

Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary Application Forms

Center For Training and Projects Development ( CTPD ) Registration Forms

Institute of Bankers ( IOB Namibia ) Application Forms

Institute of Information Technology ( IIT Namibia Application Form )

Institute For Open Learning ( IOL Namibia Application Forms )

National Youth Service Application Forms

Namibian Academy for Tourism and Hospitality Application Form

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112 thoughts on “IUM Namibia Application Forms 2024-2025”

  1. Want to enroll with IUM 2017 in th short coures diploma in office adminstration how do i enroll

  2. I wnt to study nursing in ium 2017. I have 30 points in 5 but E in english. Will i accepted?

    • Frieda, you are eligible to apply, although a D in english is recommended, applicants with an E are sometimes accepted.


  4. I want to be offered with the course education and Finance.

  5. I want to be offered with the course of education or Finance.

    • David, IUM Namibia offers Certificate , Diploma and Degree Programs in Education / Finance. Application for admission ends in October for each academic year. Simply download application forms from here http://na.ugfacts.net/application-forms/ to apply for 2017 / 2018 academic year admissions

  6. Can u please give me the whole fees of a person who want t do preparatory course????

  7. I failled with 12 points..can i still apply

  8. do u offer diploma in secretary and office administration course on distance mode? if I want to do it through short courses?

  9. Can I apply for a hostel if I applied for a study already?

    • Yes Petrus, simply download and fill out the accommodation form and submit to the registrar.

  10. When is school starting at your institution?

  11. I Have 24 points in six subjects with a D symbol in English and currently doing office administration at Eenhana VTC doing level 2. I want to study a diploma In office administration at IUM. Will your institution let me study? and what are the requirements to study?

  12. I have 27 points in six subject and an E in english and i want to do education phase 8 – 10 izt possible for me to be accepted?

    • Munsu, applications are currently ongoing. And will end in October.

  13. I have 25 in six subjects but have F in English is it possible for to apply?

    • Yes lipinge it is possible to apply, however terms and conditions apply.

  14. do you accept students who want to transfer from IUM to UNAM?

    • Yes Simuketa, transfer students are accepted.

  15. I have 24 points in 5 subjects and a “B” in english.will i be admitted to do a degree in a education?

    • Mukonda , IUM requires 25 points for undergraduate degree programmes.

  16. I want to do diploma in education I am a Namibian having 22 points in five subjects with an E in English, can I qualify for diploma in education?

    • Yes Daniel, you are eligible to study a diploma in education at IUM

  17. I am having 22 points in five subjects ( 26 points in six subjects) with an E symbol in English,, can I qualify to do diploma in education?

  18. I want to do diploma in education..am having 21 points with an E in English.do I qualify or my points are low?

  19. I have 20 points in five subjects with D in English do qualify to do diploma in education for senior primary

  20. I have 18 points and E in English and I did a certificate at Tulipohamba in healthcare service management en I want to do Nursing..

  21. I am having 18 points in five subjects with F in English and i am having a certificate in occupational health and safety. Am I qualify to nursing.

  22. I did a certificate for Healthcare at Tulipohamba en I have 18 points and E in English ..will they accept me for Mature Entry for Nursing?

    • Kandina, in order to be eligible for mature age entry, you must be at least 25 years of age and have a grade 10 qualification. You must also have a minimum of 3 years of relevant work experience with letters from employer / employers. You will also have to sit an entrance exam conducted by the university. See http://na.ugfacts.net/ium-namibia-admission-requirements/ for details.

  23. Good afternoon, I have 19 points and I am currently upgrading two of my subjects at Namcol during my Secondary I just had one subject which is English of which I obtained an E symbol. I wish to apply for a Diploma in Education Senior Primary. Can I still apply for my diploma while I wait for the results that are still to come?

    • I mean one language which is English.

    • Lydia, you will have to submit your results during the application process, if you are applying directly to the university.

  24. I have 24 in four subjects and f in English am a qualify to apply but I am improve English in namcol

  25. I need someone to help me how to apply online please

    • Edward, IUM Namibia currently doesnt offer online application.

  26. what are the requirements for accounting course ?

  27. Requirements for accounting course and business management?

  28. I Have 21 points in 6 and 19 in 5 subjects and E in English am I qualified to do diploma in education?

  29. when is the due date for nursing application form for next year?

    • Maria, applications are open all round and close october each year.

  30. Hello.? I have 22 points in ,5 subject (26 in 6 subject) an F in English am I qualified for a diploma education senior primary while I um register my English with namcol .an do English course in ur university?

  31. I have 32 points in 5 with an E in English (37 in six). will i be admitted to study bachelor of education senior primary at IUM?

  32. I want to do postgraduate diploma in education but I have 24 point in 6 with f in English and a diploma in HRM level 7 obtained from international training college lingua ..I am I qualify to apply at ium

    • Rosalia, you will have to obtain atleast an E in English

  33. When is the application due dates?

    • Vaino, the IUM Namibia Application due date is on the last day of October

  34. i want to do a diploma in education,will i get a loan?

    • Tuwilika, you will have to apply through the NSFAF

  35. Can i still apply to ium as a late application with E in english?

  36. How much is Registration fee this year for Bachelor of education, secondary?

  37. Do i qualify for nursing with 23 points in 5 subjects an a D in english?

  38. Hi
    I have 21 points in 5 subjects and 24 in 5 and a C symbol in English, and want to study for a diploma in junior primary, will I be accepted?

  39. Hi
    I would like to ask if there is still spaces available for education at IUM ongwediva campus?

  40. Hi. I want to do certificate in business administration. I have 17 points in Grade 12 with a D in English. I’m I eligible or should I apply through mature age entry? Is application still open?

  41. I’m Christoph,l have 23 points in grade 10 and 16 points in grade 12.. for now I’m working and lm 25years of age..can l apply through matured entry?

  42. hi, with me I just want to ask if i can still get my certificate that i did in 2013 in Human Resources, and for how long will i wait for it?

    • Christoph,visit the IUM Admissions office for assistance.

  43. I have 25 points in five subject and an E in english i will be able to do degree in education?

  44. Hello,iam having 21 in six subjects nd 19 in five wil I be able to qualified fr diploma in education.

  45. Good day am working as a Health Assistance at eenhana state hospital for 5 years now got 13points in 12 and took 4 subjects at nomcol. Do I qualify to apply for 2018 mature age for nursing or not?

  46. Hi, im having 21 points in 6 with a d symbol in english. Do i qualify for a diploma or certificate in human resource?

  47. I’m doing diploma in pre and junier education and i want to do a transfer from dorado IUM to ogwendiva campus. how can i go about this?

  48. i want to do a transfer from dorado IUM to Ogwendiva campus,how can i go about it?

    • Ester, visit the IUM registrars office for assistance

  49. I am a second year student at IUM persuing Diploma in Education and I registered my English Last year at Namcol but I still failed it with an E symbol. The question is will I get my qualification upon completion of my programme if I do not attain D symbol in English?

  50. I am a second year student persuing Diploma in Education at IUM and I registered my English last year with Namcol to upgrade but I still failed it with an E symbol. The querie is will the university give me my qualification if I do not attain D symbol in English or not? I want to know in advance..

  51. Good day, lm Christoph Rhuyendo, want to ask when is the date for matured entry starting to apply?

  52. Hi..I want to study education (senior primary) but have 25 in 6 and a D in English am I qualified to apply?

  53. Hi…I want to do honours degree in senior primary but I have 25 in 6 and D in English am I qualified to apply?

  54. I’m Having 22 Points In Five Subjects With An E Symbol In English And I Want To Do Diploma In Business Information System . Can I Qualify ?

  55. I want to do Diploma in Education (Pre &Junior Primary) I have 21 points in Grade 10..and a C in english..

  56. I want to do Diploma in Education(Pre&Junior) I have 21 points in 6 subjects grade 10..and a C in english..

  57. Good day do u take mature age entry for nursing.?

  58. I did higher certificate old curriculum of ium but have E in English can I be admitted to bachelor

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