IOL ACPE Course Assignments
Institute for Open Learning Advanced Certificate in Senior Primary Education Course Assignments
Each student has to submit a minimum required amount of assignments to qualify for exams. (Please see the minimum requirements for assignments to qualify for the examination sessions).
Closing Dates for All Assignments
Assignments due dates are: 15 January for first semester and 15 June for second semester
IOL requires of students to complete assignments within a stipulated time-frame reasonable to the type of course, subject and assignment. Assignments can be found in the tutorial notes. All students are responsible of handing their assignments in on time (Please see due date of assignments). Assignments received by IOL after the closing date will be marked for the following semester and the student will be allowed to write examination in the following semester only.
All assignments must be sent through the registered mail or courier to, or submitted and signed for at, any IOL regional office for distribution and assessment.
In order to ensure that assignments reach the Institute for Open Learning safely, Students should do one of the following:
- Mail the original assignment per registered mail (keep a copy) to:
Institute for Open Learning
Private Bag 15007
Windhoek - Use a courier service and courier the original to:
Institute for Open Learning
c/o Robert Mugabe & Uhland Street
Trustco (North) Building, 1st Floor
Windhoek - Deliver the assignment to any one of our regional offices:
Katima Mulilo
Walvis Bay
If assignments are handed in at any one of the above-mentioned offices, please make sure that you get the acknowledgement slip to take home with you. This will be proof of your date of submission.
Assignments ensure a student admission to the examination. Once the student have met the minimum requirements for the examination and the student fail the examination, s/he do not have to re-submit the assignment.
All students will be required to submit assignments to qualify for examinations.
The assignments handed out with a subject per course will remain valid for that subject within the time frame as determined by The Institute for Open Learning. Students will find their assignment in the tutorial notes. It remains the student’s responsibility to make sure that all assignments reach IOL on or before the 15 January for first semester examinations and on or before 15 June for second semester examinations.