ITTO Fellowship Programme

ITTO Fellowship Programme

ITTO Fellowship Programme: ITTO offers fellowships through the Freezailah Fellowship Fund to promote human resource development and to strengthen professional expertise in member countries in tropical forestry and related disciplines.

The goal is to promote the sustainable management of tropical forests, the efficient use and processing of tropical timber, and better economic information about the international trade in tropical timber.


The amount for a fellowship grant is US$10,000.

Fellowship Application Eligibility Criteria:


  • Only nationals of ITTO Member countries are eligible to apply.
  • Awards are to be made to individuals not to institutions.
  • Previous ITTO Fellowship awardees are not eligible to apply for another ITTO Fellowship within two years of receiving the first award.ITTO Fellowships provides tuition/training/conference fees, transportation fees, daily subsistence allowance, book allowance and other allowances.

    For post-gradate studies, only a partial tuition fee or a small research grant can be provided.

    Approved Fellowships are non-transferable to other programmes or institutions.

    The ITTO Fellowships are awarded mainly to nationals of developing countries.

    Deadline: 19th February.For more information and application, see: ITTO Fellowship Programme Website

List of International Scholarships