IWMI PhD Scholarship Program
IWMI PhD Scholarship program: The International Water Management Institute – IWMI PhD Scholarship program provides research support to graduate students from developing countries.
Their studies and research should address interdisciplinary water resources issues in developing nations related to poverty alleviation, environmental sustainability, social justice and conflict in the context of global change.
Fellowship recipients must be committed to conducting their research in the developing world on a topic that fits into IWMI’s overall research program.
They should also return home upon completion of graduate studies to apply their skills and education.
IWMI provides both full and partial PhD funding.
Applicants for the latter will normally already be accepted as a PhD candidate by their universities and will request partial support for carrying out their research.
IWMI “complete-package” support will be limited to the annual number of Scholarships with its strategic partners, budgeted and advertised annually and with competitive selection.