J. Mayo Greenberg Scholarship Prize

J. Mayo Greenberg Scholarship Prize

J. Mayo Greenberg Scholarship Prize: Leiden Observatory and the Leids Universiteitfonds have pleasure in inviting applications for the third J. Mayo Greenberg Scholarship Prize.

The purpose of the prize is to provide an opportunity for a talented graduate student to carry out research and/or receive education at Leiden Observatory in one or more of the fields that were of interest to Professor Greenberg.

These include:


  • Laboratory astrophysics
  • Dust in the early Universe
  • Dust in the Milky Way and other galaxies
  • Comet formation
  • Origin of life.

    Although applications will be considered from the whole world, preference will be given to applicants resident in developing countries.

    Scholarship Application Eligibility Criteria:

  • Candidates should have sufficient educational background in the field to benefit from attendance at graduate coursesor participation in the research.

    The scholarship prize will support a visit to Leiden for a maximum duration of 9 months with a possibility of extending the visit for a longer period.

    Applications should be received before 30 November every year.

    For more information and scholarship applications, see: J. Mayo Greenberg Scholarship Prize

List of International Scholarships 


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