Agricultural Project Officer job at World Vision

Full-Time Jobs in Uganda
Jobs in Yumbe District Uganda
Posted 3 years ago

Agricultural Project Officer job at World Vision

Vacancy title:
Agricultural Project Officer

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Agribusiness ]

Jobs at:

World Vision

Deadline of this Job:
08 July 2022

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Yumbe , East Africa

Date Posted: Friday, July 01, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

Project Officer – Agriculture will be responsible for ensuring overall strategic leadership and oversight on livelihood interventions, guiding implementation using the triple nexus approach ensuring technical oversight mainly focusing upon farmer group capacity development and delivery of the different project components

Key Responsibilities
Ensure activity effective planning, monitor and quality implementation of technical models and approaches:
• Develop annual project activity plans and update quarterly in collaboration with key departments, oversee implementation to high standards by scope and timelines
• Ensure participatory and transparent selection of beneficiaries.
• Conduct regular market surveys, assessments and mapping of agricultural actors/stakeholders in Yumbe District working in specific value chain areas and Enterprises.
• Identify and facilitate linkages between project participants and key agricultural stakeholders, including input and output dealers, District officials and other Actors.
• Participate in livelihood assessments and capacity building initiatives for project staff, and project participants as required.
• Formulate activities for resilient livelihood options and ensure they are effectively implemented on time and within budget.
• Offer technical support to ensure integration of agricultural and sound agronomic practice considerations into the District Livelihood Action Plan and development plans.
• Promote use/adoption of modern farming practices and techniques through training, extension services, advising farmers, farm visits and demonstrations to transform targeted households from subsistence farming to commercial farming.
• Support the establishment, maintenance and harvest in demonstration plots in selected zones and host community to act as learning and multiplication sites for farmer groups.
• Promote Climate Smart Agricultural technologies and approaches as necessary with possibilities of scaling-up and replication in other WV Area Development Programs.
• Deliver Agricultural training and resources to target audience through documentaries, leaflets, human interest stories, sign posts and brochures;
• Support integration of gender, disability inclusion and child protection into project sector interventions and World Vision Livelihoods and agricultural activities/strategies.
• Enforce participatory selection of beneficiaries, prioritization of livelihoods, enterprises, life skills and vocational training awareness raising and capacity building initiatives for participating groups/ individuals.
• Foster ongoing positive cooperation with stakeholders and embrace links between market actors, producers, end users, and project participants.
• Participate in quarterly review meetings to reflect on project progress, harmonized approaches, tools, impact of interventions, best practices, exit and sustainability strategies as well as create opportunities for action-learning
• Ensure integration of the project with other Resilience and Livelihood on going activities including that of World Vision, partners and government
• Organize monthly field planning meetings with farmer groups and WVU departments to guide effective implementation.
Stakeholder’s engagement, networking and collaboration:
• Work with consortium partners to ensure coordination of resilience and livelihood activities with other stakeholders especially Yumbe DLG, Private Sector, OPM, UNHCR, CSOs, and the target project Communities.
• Participate in stakeholder joint engagements, planning meetings, Livelihood sector working groups, monthly Coordination Meetings, workshops and other fora.
• Build capacity of farmer groups and institutions on sound environment management practices, high value tree species, green Livelihoods, enterprises, markets to improve production of high wood products for the community.
• Collaborate with district and development actors on ongoing government Programmes on livelihoods and Environment enhancement, liaising with extension workers, other relevant sub-county leaders and district stakeholders to facilitate sustainable implementation of project activities.
• Establish and maintain good coordination and working relationships with OPM, UNHCR, Humanitarian Actors, and district leaders.
• Foster ongoing positive cooperation with stakeholders and embrace links between market actors, producers, end users, and project participants.
• Ensure integration of the project with other Resilience and Livelihood on going activities including that of World Vision, partners and government
• Organize monthly field planning meetings with farmer groups and WVU departments to guide effective implementation.
Linkage, networking, collaboration and mentorship:
• Work with the relevant agencies, institutions and individuals to promote food security, resilient livelihood and self- reliance of participating communities and individuals
• Build capacity of project participants to adopt high value crops, export standard and environmentally friendly enterprises
• Provide consistent and regular business support, mentoring and follow up to enterprises including production support to ensure a successful enterprise
• Conduct regular scoping of business, identify gaps and take measures to fill the gaps to reduce business failure
• Support enterprises to have access to loan to ensure expansion or diversification
• Support enterprises to have access to business input
• Identify opportunities for value addition of products and provide instant training to project participants
Documentation, Reporting and knowledge management of resilience related activities:
• Support preparation and review of monthly, quarterly and annual progress reports, and special reports requiring technical input and any other reports when necessary to his/her supervisor in a timely manner.
• Participate in quarterly review meetings to reflect on project progress, harmonized approaches, tools, impact of interventions, best practices, exit and sustainability strategies as well as create opportunities for action-learning
• Work closely with Project Manager; to prepare realistic annual and quarterly work plans
• Participate in environment and natural resources related data collection activities together with the MEAL team including rapid needs assessments, joint assessments, monitoring, evaluation and cross sectoral learning.
• Ensure equal participation of all project beneficiaries i.e., refugees and host communities in the design, monitoring and evaluation of the project.
• Work with Project Manager & MEAL Officer, compile and submit timely quarterly and annual reports on sustainable environment and natural management
• Support Annual review of progress towards project objectives
• Support documentation and sharing of impact/success stories and best practices to promote learning.
Child Protection and Wellbeing:
• Monitor the wellbeing and child abuse cases and report any incidents in line with child protection policy and guidelines
• Work with local leaders to protect children from child violations and abuses,
• Sensitize children including most vulnerable, guardians/parents and other stakeholders about children’s rights and responsibilities.

Qualifications: Education/Knowledge/Technical Skills and Experience.
• Minimum of Bachelors in Agriculture or Agribusiness or Forestry or Development Studies or any other relevant discipline.
• Broad knowledge and understanding of sustainable and appropriate natural resource management practices, biodiversity, community participatory approaches, disaster risk reduction, climate change and energy technologies and renewable energy
• At least three years’ experience working with vulnerable communities and familiarity with humanitarian programming and implementation
• Proven facilitation skills and experience in facilitating technical trainings for different categories of participants.
• Technical skills: academic and/or direct programming experience and expertise in at least three of the following thematic areas is required: natural resources, environmental management, climate change, mitigation and adaptation, financial inclusion/micro-finance, value chain development, small enterprise development, emergency livelihoods programming.
• Minimum of 3 years’ experience in field-based programme management roles working in natural resources, environment and food security with International NGOs or local government.
• Experience of data collection, collation, analysis, and report writing
• Capacity in relationship management/networking, and coordination is essential.
• Good interpersonal skills, strong communication skills, both verbal and written.
• Proven conceptual & analytical skills, ability to take an evidence-based approach to program design.
• Proven facilitation skills and track record demonstrating high integrity, innovativeness, creativity, reliability and dependable
• Proactive personality, self-driven and strongly motivated.
• Track record demonstrating high integrity, innovativeness, creativity, reliability and dependable
• Team player, Self-motivator, able to work with limited supervision;
• Demonstration of well-developed interpersonal skills, excellent communication skills, both verbal and written.
• Ability to ride a motorcycle with valid driving/riding license
• Track record demonstrating high integrity, innovativeness, creativity, reliability and dependable
• Proactive personality, self-driven and strongly motivated.
• Spiritual maturity, interfaith knowledge and a biblical worldview – ability to articulate and model our Christian identity and mission in an inclusive way.
• Computer skills i.e. MS Office, MS Excel and remote program support tools.
• Ensure a gender perspective in the scope of work and passion for children.
• Must be a committed Christian, able to stand above denominational diversities.
• Willing to attend and participate/ lead in daily devotions and weekly Chapel services
• Perform other duties as required

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 36

Level of Education: Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
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Job Features

Job Category

Latest Environment / Forestry and Agriculture jobs in Uganda


663,000 UGX to 30,000,000 UGX

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