John Templeton Fellowships Essay Contest

John Templeton Fellowships Essay Contest

John Templeton Fellowships Essay Contest: The Sir John M. Templeton Fellowships Essay Contest for junior faculty and students in higher education is held every year.

The Sir John M. Templeton Fellowships Essay Contest encourages college students and young college professors around the world to study the meaning and significance of economic and personal liberty.

Co-sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation and the Independent Institute, the essay contest honors Sir John M. Templeton and is held annually with a different topic each year.

The Templeton Fellowships Essay Contest continues the tradition of the Olive W. Garvey Fellowships Essay Competition.

Created in 1974 by Olive W. Garvey, that program drew essay submissions from more than 75 countries on 5 continents.

Garvey winners have since become some of the finest of scholars, business and civic leaders, and journalists, applying and advancing public knowledge and appreciation around the world for the ideas of individual liberty and personal responsibility.

Fellowship Student Eligibility Criteria:


  • Student applicants must be 35 years of age or younger as of May 3.
  • In other words, they must have been born after May 3, 1974.
  • Student applicants must be enrolled in a college or university in Fall of the academic year.
  • For example, high school students graduating in Spring of the academic year are eligible if they will be enrolled in college in Fall of the academic year.
  • College students graduating in Spring of the academic year, but not enrolled in Fall of the academic year are not eligible.
  • Student applicants may be pursuing any degree including associates, undergraduate, post-graduate, or doctoral.
  • Student applicants may be either part-time or full-time students.
  • Student applicants may be citizens of any country, and may be living in any country.
  • Previous winners of the Templeton Essay Contest are not eligible.Junior Faculty Member Eligibility:
  • Junior faculty applicants must be 35 years of age or younger as of May 3.
  • In other words, they must have been born after May 3, 1974.
  • Junior faculty members must hold a position of Assistant Professor or higher and not be tenured as of Fall of academic year.
  • Applicants may be citizens of any country, and may be living in any country.
  • Previous winners of the Templeton Essay Contest are not eligible.Prizes:
  • Students up to the age of 35.- First Prize: $2,500

    – Second Prize: $1,500

    – Third prize: $1,000

  • Junior faculty members up to the age of 35 and not yet tenured.- First Prize: $10,000

    – Second Prize: $7,500

    – Third Prize: $4,000.

Deadline: 3rd May.

For more information and application, visit: John Templeton Fellowships Essay Contest Website