Kenya DAAD Postgraduate Training Scholarships

Kenya DAAD Postgraduate Training Scholarships

The Kenya Vision 2030 policy document recommends investment in Science, Technology & Innovation (ST&I) in priority key sectors.

One such area involves capacity building in the universitiesthrough advanced training of personnel.

As part of this initiative, in June 2010, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MOHEST) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) signed a five (5) year Agreement for cooperation in Postgraduate Training open to all fields of study.

The programme is administered by the National Council for Science and Technology (NCST) on behalf of MOHEST.

The main objective of the programme is to train twenty (20) Ph.D research students teaching in universities in Kenya for forty two (42) months (inclusive six (6) months German language course) at a German university.

Since the inception of the programme, thirty seven (37) Kenyans have been awarded scholarships and are currently pursuing their training in Germany.

General Conditions for the Scholarships

For eligibility to the Kenya -DAAD Ph.D Scholarship, candidates must meet the following conditions:


  • Be citizen of the Republic of Kenya
  • Be teaching (full or part time) in Kenyan universities
  • Should have obtained the Master’s degree preferably within the past 6 years (date of graduation)
  • Be willing to undertake a six (6) months German language courseThe following documents must be attached to the application form:

    Cover sheet for DAAD Scholarship Application Form

    DAAD Application Form for Research Grants and Study Scholarships

    Hand-signed Curriculum Vitae and list of publications (use the Europass specimen form at

    Application letter indicating motivation to undertake Ph.D studies

    Ph.D proposal (10 – 15 pages; 1,5 spacing; 2,5cm space left, 2cm right) including an abstract of the proposal on one page (please include name and title of the proposal) and a detailed work plan for 3 years including time schedule covering the whole period of the scholarship

    Confirmation from a German Professor stating that he/she will supervise the applicant for his/her Ph.D thesis (in English)

    OR Admission letter from structured Ph.D Programme

    Two (2) recommendation letters of academic referees (on particular recommendation forms, provided by DAAD office)

    Certificates (each certified as true copy of the original certificate)

    • Application Form
    • Scholarship Application
    • Application
    • Job Opportunities
    • Internships
  • Master’s degree certificate and transcripts for each year
  • Bachelor’s degree certificate transcripts for each year
  • A/O-level or KCSE certificate
  • Copy of the national IDA Letter of support from the university, indicating the prospective function of the applicant within the university after return to Kenya

    For research contacts in German check at the,,

    Applications (triplicate, hard copies) should be sent or delivered by Friday 28th September 2012 by 4:00pm at latest to:

    The Coordinator
    Kenya-DAAD Training Programme
    National Council for Science and Technology
    Utalii House 9th Floor Room 910
    P.O. Box 30623-00100, Nairobi
    Email: research [at]

    Telephone no. +254 721434057 or +254 20-2242175

    For further information on the scholarship program, please check the following websites:

List of International Scholarships 


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