Kumi University August Intake 2024-2025

Kumi University August Intake 2024-2025

This article contains information on Kumi University, KUMU Admission and Application Forms: 2024-2025 and how to Apply? It also contains the African Rural University, ARU Application form download link as well as its online application where necessary.

Kumi University, KUMU Admission and Application Forms: 2024-2025 - How to Apply?

Mountains of the Moon University, MMU Admission and Application Forms: 2024-2025 - How to Apply?

This article contains information on the Kumi University, KUMU Application form and Requirements for admission into Undergraduate Degree, Diploma Programmes and Postgraduate Programmes for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified SCHOOL LEAVERS, NON SCHOOL LEAVERS and SPECIAL CASES.


  • DOWNLOAD & PRINT Application Forms here OR OBTAIN Application Forms from Kumi University, KUMU Admissions Office at Main Campus, 8 KM along Kumi-Ngora Road; ETOP FM – Soroti; Unity F.M – Lira; OPG FM – Mbale; KTR FM – Kapchorwa; Continental F.M – Kumi and Dokolo F.M – Dokolo.
  • Fill the form with the necessary documents attached as well as with the original copy of the application fee payment deposit slip and send to:
  • The Office of Academic Registrar,
  • P.O. Box 178, Kumi – Uganda
  • Kumi – Ngora Road,
  • Tel: +256 392001391
  • Fax: 256 4571102
  • Email: ar@kumiuniversity.ac.ug
  • Application forms shall be picked FREE, from the above Radio Stations and payment of 25,000/= will be made when handing in the completed form in the university.
  • No application is valid unless the appropriate application fee has been paid. Application forms can be accessed through an online application or downloaded below.
  • Further information is indicated on the application form
  • Application can also be made online by visiting the University admission portal through the link below.

Kumi University, KUMU Application Procedure

Kumi University, KUMU offers undergraduate courses at Diploma levels besides those offered at undergraduate levels. Prospective students should apply by filling the application forms before the deadline date as it is communicated by the Admissions office. Late applications are only accepted if the program space allows. These should be received not later than two weeks after the start of the appropriate semester; OR not later than a week after the beginning of a session. The admission procedure includes the Master’s Program applicants.

Once you submit your form, you must pay the application fee for your form to be processed. Otherwise, it will not be processed.

Kumi University, KUMU Application Forms

To access the application forms, you need to download the application form below and follow the instructions as indicated on the form.

Kumi University, KUMU Application Forms 2024-2025

[embeddoc url=”https://ugfacts.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Application-Form_Kumi-Univeristy.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]


All inquiries about admissions should be addressed to:
The Academic Registrar,Kumi University,P.o Box 178 Kumi,Uganda .

Application forms can be obtained from:

  1. Our website htttp://www.kumiuniversity.ac.ug
  2. University Main Campus, 8 KM along Kumi-Ngora Road.
  3. ETOP FM – Soroti
  4. Unity F.M – Lira
  5. OPG FM – Mbale
  6. KTR FM – Kapchorwa,
  7. Continental F.M – Kumi and
  8. Dokolo F.M – Dokolo
  9. You can also Apply Online on our Website

For more information, please contact Academic Registrar’s Office on:

Telephone Number: 0392-001391 Or E-mail ar@kumiuniversity.ac.ug./kumiuniversity@yahoo.com

Application forms shall be picked FREE, from the above Radio Stations and payment of 25,000/= will be made when handing in the completed form in the university.

Kumi University Application Forms

Kumi University Fees Structure

Historical Background of Kumi University 

Kumi University Mission and Vision 

Kumi University Scholarships

Kumi University Scholarship List

Kumi University Contact Address

Kumi University Admission Requirements

Kumi University Uganda Application Procedure

List of Courses Offered at Kumi University Uganda


Admission Lists For Universities in Uganda

Admissions 2024-2025 for Public Universities in Uganda

Admissions 2024-2025 for Private Universities in Uganda

Admissions 2024-2025 For University Colleges in Uganda