Kyambogo University Cut Off Points 2016 – 2017

Kyambogo University Cut Off Points 2016 – 2017

Bachelor of Engineering in Civil and Building Eng. KYU ECD 51.2
Bachelor of Eng. in Mech. and Manufacturing Eng. KYU EMD 49.2
Bachelor of Engineering in Telecommunication Eng. KYU ETD 49.1
Bachelor of Guidance and Counselling KYU BGD 48.9
Bachelor of Science in Sports and Leisure Management KYU LMD 48.5
Bachelor of Engineering in Automotive & Power Eng. KYU APD 47.7
Bachelor of Sci. in Surveying and Land Information Systems KYU SLD 47.7
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering KYU CHD 47.6
Bachelor of Economics and Statistics KYU BEK 47.4
Bachelor of Industrial Engineering and Management KYU IED 47.3
Bachelor of Engineering in Environmental Engineering KYU EED 46.7
Bachelor of Science in Land Economics KYU BLD 46.3
Bachelor of Science in Building Economics KYU EBD 46.3
Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance KYU AFD 45.9
Bachelor of Environment Science Technology & Mgt KYU BMD 45.7
Bachelor of Information Technology and Computing KYU ITD 45.7
Bachelor of Business studies KYU SBD 45.6
Bachelor of Arts in Economics KYU EKD 45.4
Bachelor of Micro Finance KYU MFD 45.1
Bachelor of Science in Textile and Clothing Technology KYU TCD 45.1
Bachelor of Science with Education (Economics) KYU ESE 44.6
Bachelor of Demography and Reproductive Health KYU BRD 44.3
Bachelor of Science with Education (Physical) KYU ESP 44.1
Bachelor of Administrative and Secretarial Science KYU ASD 43.9
Bachelor of Science in Food Processing Technology KYU FPD 43.9
Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and Dietetics KYU HND 43.9
Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management KYU PLD 43.8
Bachelor of Voc. Studies in Technological Studies with Educ. KYU VTD 42.4
Bachelor of Art and Industrial Design KYU AID 42
Bachelor of Business Studies with Education KYU BSD 40.6
Bachelor of Vocational Studies in Arts and Design with Educ. KYU VAD 39.7
Bachelor of Science Technology (Physics) KYU PTD 39.6
Bachelor of Educ. in Vocational Studies (Home Economics) KYU VHD 38.5
Bachelor of Science Technology(Biology) KYU BTD 36.3
Bachelor of Science Technology (Chemistry) KYU CTD 36.2
Bachelor of Vocational Studies in Agriculture with Education KYU AGD 35
Bachelor of Science with Education KYU ESB 34.9

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