Kyambogo University Cut Off Points 2016 – 2017
Bachelor of Engineering in Civil and Building Eng. | KYU | ECD | 51.2 |
Bachelor of Eng. in Mech. and Manufacturing Eng. | KYU | EMD | 49.2 |
Bachelor of Engineering in Telecommunication Eng. | KYU | ETD | 49.1 |
Bachelor of Guidance and Counselling | KYU | BGD | 48.9 |
Bachelor of Science in Sports and Leisure Management | KYU | LMD | 48.5 |
Bachelor of Engineering in Automotive & Power Eng. | KYU | APD | 47.7 |
Bachelor of Sci. in Surveying and Land Information Systems | KYU | SLD | 47.7 |
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering | KYU | CHD | 47.6 |
Bachelor of Economics and Statistics | KYU | BEK | 47.4 |
Bachelor of Industrial Engineering and Management | KYU | IED | 47.3 |
Bachelor of Engineering in Environmental Engineering | KYU | EED | 46.7 |
Bachelor of Science in Land Economics | KYU | BLD | 46.3 |
Bachelor of Science in Building Economics | KYU | EBD | 46.3 |
Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance | KYU | AFD | 45.9 |
Bachelor of Environment Science Technology & Mgt | KYU | BMD | 45.7 |
Bachelor of Information Technology and Computing | KYU | ITD | 45.7 |
Bachelor of Business studies | KYU | SBD | 45.6 |
Bachelor of Arts in Economics | KYU | EKD | 45.4 |
Bachelor of Micro Finance | KYU | MFD | 45.1 |
Bachelor of Science in Textile and Clothing Technology | KYU | TCD | 45.1 |
Bachelor of Science with Education (Economics) | KYU | ESE | 44.6 |
Bachelor of Demography and Reproductive Health | KYU | BRD | 44.3 |
Bachelor of Science with Education (Physical) | KYU | ESP | 44.1 |
Bachelor of Administrative and Secretarial Science | KYU | ASD | 43.9 |
Bachelor of Science in Food Processing Technology | KYU | FPD | 43.9 |
Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and Dietetics | KYU | HND | 43.9 |
Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management | KYU | PLD | 43.8 |
Bachelor of Voc. Studies in Technological Studies with Educ. | KYU | VTD | 42.4 |
Bachelor of Art and Industrial Design | KYU | AID | 42 |
Bachelor of Business Studies with Education | KYU | BSD | 40.6 |
Bachelor of Vocational Studies in Arts and Design with Educ. | KYU | VAD | 39.7 |
Bachelor of Science Technology (Physics) | KYU | PTD | 39.6 |
Bachelor of Educ. in Vocational Studies (Home Economics) | KYU | VHD | 38.5 |
Bachelor of Science Technology(Biology) | KYU | BTD | 36.3 |
Bachelor of Science Technology (Chemistry) | KYU | CTD | 36.2 |
Bachelor of Vocational Studies in Agriculture with Education | KYU | AGD | 35 |
Bachelor of Science with Education | KYU | ESB | 34.9 |
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