Kyambogo University Faculty of Science

Kyambogo University Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science has a mission to transform the private sector and industry in general through training of a skilled based labour force, well equipped with relevant information and knowledge for the 21st century industrial economy. To this end, the Faculty runs several programmes which have been developed through wide consultation with all the stakeholders in the country. The Faculty in summary provides taught programmes in Textiles, Clothing, Science, Technology and Environment and has close links with government departments, research organizations and the private sector in the country. 

Kyambogo University Faculty of Science Faculty Organization

The Faculty of Science currently comprises six (7) departments. These are:

1. Computer Science

2. Biological Science

3. Chemistry

4. Physics

5. Food Processing Technology

6. Sports Science

7. Mathematics (Bachelor of science with Education- ESD)

Kyambogo University Faculty of Science Funding

Funding of Faculty activities is both through income generating activities and money from the government. As a Faculty, the challenge still remains to be able to attract funding from outside to carry out research and other projects aimed at addressing community and national issues. This is an area where we need partners from industry the private sector, particularly to fund research activities and support review of curricula on a regular basis. 

Kyambogo University Faculty of Science Relationships with the Private Sector

The Faculty has not done much in this area especially in terms of soliciting sponsorship for training and carrying out research. This is a big challenge and plans are underway to hold a stakeholders conference for this very purpose.

We strongly believe as a Faculty that the only way we can be relevant and grow in the right direction is to forge vibrant and beneficial links with the private sector. It is through such linkages that the various curricula we offer will be able to meet the needs of the changing industrial economy by producing the required skills and human resource.

Kyambogo University Faculty of Science Current Students Enrolment

The current student enrolment stands at about 1630 and is projected to rise to about 1925 by the 2009/2010 academic year. The highest number of students is located in the Computer Science Department while the lowest number is found in the Sports Science Department. 

Students Activities

The Faculty has active Students’ Associations in Chemistry, Biology, Environment and Textiles which hold frequent meetings and organize visits to industry and exhibitions. They also act as a focus of social life for the students in the Faculty.


a) The Faculty on average has about 105 full-time members of staff plus about 100 part-time staff members who are engaged per semester depending on availability of courses to teach. Each full-time lecturer has a minimum load of 8 hours per week so that he/she has time for research and other Faculty activities like community involvement and service.

b) The Faculty has about 10 staff with PhDs, about 5 more than half way through their PhD programmes and about 8 in the pipeline for enrolment on various PhD programmes within the East African Region. About 80 members of staff hold Masters Degrees in various areas of specialization and discipline.


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