Kyambogo University Graduate School

Kyambogo University Graduate School

A Review of Kyambogo University Graduate School


Under the University and Other Tertiary Institutions (Establishment of Kyambogo University) Instrument, 2003, Kyambogo University was established to provide instructions to all those admitted to the University, make provision for the advancement, transmission, preservation of knowledge, stimulate intellectual life in Uganda and undertake the development and sustenance of research and publication in education science technology and technical fields. In 2001 Kyambogo University embarked on the journey for what it was mandated to do and started offering a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

,The establishment of the School of Postgraduate Studies and Research was proposed at the time of restructuring of Kyambogo University (KYU) by the Consultancy Firm K2 Informatics Final Report of November 2004. The report recommended that the University should establish a School of Postgraduate Studies and Research to teach postgraduate degrees and conduct research in various fields of study. This would be in line with the University Vision which is “Academic and Professional Excellence.” The report goes ahead to say, “It is research that bestows excellence on a University, giving it international recognition as a centre of excellence. It is from research that teaching is inspired when students are being taught by internationally rated academics. Currently there is lack of a national research strategy, the KyU should take initiative and propose a National Research Strategy when this school is in place.” (Restructuring of Kyambogo University, Final Report, K-2 Informatics Uganda Limited, 25th November 2004, page 20). The Kyambogo University Council and its committees approved the K-2 Informatics Limited Report of 25th November 2004 on the Restructuring of Kyambogo University and Management was urged to go ahead and implement the report.

The University Council approved the establishment of the School of Postgraduate Studies and Research to centrally and more efficiently coordinate graduate training and research which was largely handled at the Faculty and Departmental levels. Council had realized that the number of graduate students at KYU had increased significantly since 2001.The academic quality of individual postgraduate programmes, their academic governance process, the administrative and students support functions were highly decentralized and there was no mechanism for ensuring consistent quality overall. There was also no office with the sole responsibility for promoting success of graduate students and faculty. This was in recognition of the need to assure quality in graduate training and research. The University Council therefore instructed the kick start of the School of Postgraduate Studies and Research in February 2008.

The school currently provides advocacy and administrative support for graduate students and graduate programmes. It also provides a mechanism for implementation and enforcement of graduate studies policies. Currently Management is in the process of establishing the various organs of the School of Postgraduate Studies and Research.

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